/ / "Headless Horseman": main characters, brief description

"Headless Horseman": main characters, brief description

"Headless Horseman", the main characters of whichare the subject of this review - this is the famous work of the English writer M. Reed, written by him in 1865. This work is one of the most famous in the work of the author, it occupies a prominent place in the world literature and was filmed by the Soviet film studio in 1973.

Characteristics of the main character

At the very beginning, the writer introduces the reader immediately toseveral actors of their history. The narrative begins with a description of the relocation of the rich planter Woodley Poindexter and his family to a new place of residence. On the way, a small squad got lost, but was saved by a courageous Mustanger named Maurice Gerald. He is a courageous, strong and handsome young man, born in Ireland. In America, he held a very modest social position, as he was engaged in hunting wild horses. However, in his homeland, he bore the title of Baronet. This man immediately made a great impression on travelers.

headless horseman protagonists

The work "Headless Horseman", the main characterswhich have bright and memorable characters, has a dynamic plot that captures the reader from the very first pages. So, already at the very beginning, a conflict between the brave Mustanger and the planter's nephew, Cassie Kolhaun, is brewing.

Description of the villain

This character is the main antagonisthero of the novel. He immediately disliked his new acquaintance out of jealousy: he was in love with his cousin Louise, the daughter of a planter, and wanted to marry her, but she fell in love with Maurice at first glance. Cassius was a retired military with a very bad reputation. In addition, he is cowardly and arrogant, that is, is the complete opposite of the hunter, which further intensifies the conflict between them.

Main Reid Headless Horseman

Louise Poindexter

The novel "Headless Horseman", the main characterswhich is written by the writer with the skill of a real psychologist, is interesting because in it elements of action-packed action are intertwined with a detective line. Beloved Maurice played a decisive role in the intrigue. Because of her, there was a quarrel between a hunter and her cousin, who was terribly jealous of her. Louise is a brave and determined girl. She has a strong-willed character, she is courageous, prudent, but at the same time jealous, and sometimes can be quick-tempered. Nevertheless, it attracts the reader with courage, dexterity, responsiveness and devotion.

Woodley Poindexter and his son

The work "Headless Horseman", the main characterswhich is distinguished by the integrity and expressiveness of the characters, in sufficient detail and faithfully conveys the situation in America in the middle of the nineteenth century. Woodley is a typical representative of a class of ruined landowner planters, many of whom were in American society on the eve of the civil war. This man is noble in his own way: so, despite the difference in his position with the status of Maurice, he immediately felt respect for him. He accepted him as a guest, and held him on an equal footing. He is a loving father and a caring owner.

 a brief retelling of the headless horseman

One of the most famous English writersis Mine Reed. The Headless Horseman is his most famous work, in which he reproduced his adventures in America. Another minor hero of the work is Louise's brother, Henry. This is a hot young man who quarreled with Maurice over his sister because of his sister, which largely predetermined his fate, because Cassius, taking advantage of a quarrel, decided to kill the hunter and shift the blame on his cousin. However, he confused him with his rival and mistakenly killed Henry, whose body scared the locals.

 Maurice Gerald

Other minor characters

The real master of prose is Mine Reed.“Headless Horseman” is a work in which he skillfully combined drama, detective story and love line. One of the most colorful secondary characters of the second plan is a friend of Maurice Zeb Stump. He is courageous, honest, and noble. It was he who saved the main character from certain death (lynching) and proved that he was not guilty of the murder of Henry.

Еще одной героиней произведения является Исидора.This very hot and hot-tempered woman who is in love with Maurice. Having learned that she has a happy rival, she tries to embroil the lovers in every possible way. At the same time, she deceives Diaz, who is in love with her, a jealous Mexican who, out of jealousy, kills her at the end of the work, for which he himself is immediately subjected to lynching. So, get a general idea of ​​the work of Reed allows a review of his most famous novel and his brief retelling. “Headless Horseman” is a work that is a true classic of American literature.