Books are a source of a huge amount of information,reflections and knowledge in various fields. On them we learn, we bring up children, we diversify our own lives with the fate of the heroes of novels, we fantasize, we move to parallel universes or the future. There are a lot of books written, many are good, some are not. But the authors still write and replenish the literary treasury, setting out on paper their life experience, thoughts and knowledge. If you decide to become one of the authors, you need to master some principles of writing a work, as well as learn how to work directly with publishing houses. This is what we will talk about in the article.
Publishing a book at your own expense
When registering business relations between the author andpublishes a contract. In the event that the writer pays for the issue of the circulation on his own, the contract must be formalized for the provision of services or as a contract agreement. In no case is not the authorship. The publisher can not have any rights to the finished edition. Unconditional and sole owner of the book, its content, illustrations, fragments is the author, and the publishing houses of Moscow simply render services for printing and release, then they transmit the entire circulation to the customer.
The author brings his manuscript, it is translated intoelectronic format, edit, correct mistakes (if this is stipulated by the contract), approve the layout. After that, the client should carefully read the layout of the book and agree with it or send it for revision. After submitting to the press, no changes can be made anymore. And on the fulfillment of obligations, the parties have no claims to each other.
Edition due to the publishing house
They are going to publish a book at their own expensewhat publishing houses of Moscow. The list of them, although large enough, but it is almost impossible to find a free print. Such a unique offer you can get only if your work is very interested in the editorial staff. In this case, you sign a contract and transfer the manuscript to the editors. The content of the agreement will be different from the first option. Here the author transfers part of his rights to use and own intellectual property in favor of the publisher for a certain period. Publishing houses in Moscow, whose list of addresses we will analyze below, issue a print run, then they pay the writer a fee.
- Publishing house of the Russian Union of Writers.This union assists talented writers throughout the process of replicating his work - from drawing up a layout to assisting in the distribution and distribution of books. In case the publisher pays for the seal itself, the rights to the book will belong to him for several years. The author will receive a small reward for the labors. But if we take into account that in most cases the author's primary goal is simply to break away into the publication, then this option is very good. Address: 127006, Moscow, ul. Malaya Dmitrovka, 29, building 1, phone: (495) 215-07-35.
- Publishing house "Panorama" calls forcooperation of young writers, whose genre is a love story. To get started, you need to get the editor's editors to e-mail a short description of the work (about one or two sheets) and the head of the manuscript itself (about ten pages). A voluminous summary at this stage of the interview is not necessary. If the work is of interest to the editors, they will contact you to resolve further issues on the publication. The phone of the publishing house (495) 146-54-33.
- Popular Literature Publishing Househas been operating since 2007. Quite a short period of time by the standards of famous publishers. However, it produced quite a number of bestsellers, for example, "Metro 2033". Invited authors of a variety of styles and genres. The condition of the publishing house is the number of characters - not less than three hundred thousand for one work. You can send the manuscript to the postal address Moscow, Luzhnetskaya embankment, 2/4, p. 16.
- Publishing house "Peter" will accept for replicationthe works connected with computer systems, programming, infosphere, accounting, management, profile subjects of economists and financiers, jurisprudence, psychology of personal development, books on health improvement and folk medicine, esoterics, history. Address: Semenovskaya embankment, 2/1, building. 1, telephone / fax: (495) 234-38-15, 974-34-50.
- Publishing house "Ripol Classic" is also looking for newauthors. Genres and styles are completely different. On the e-mail you need to send a so-called synopsis, which describes the genre, the style of the text, the idea, the story, the main characters, the readership. In the letter it is necessary to indicate the author's data. The application is considered two months. Telephone for the reference (495) 775-88-85.
- Publishing house "Symbol-Plus" invites tocooperation of authors writing on computer topics, about technology, business and foreign languages. The letter should contain information about yourself: experience in this area, the experience of a literary publishing house, the subject you are writing about, how well you are aware of it, and the plan of the book, that is, the table of contents. The author's fee is fifteen percent of the proceeds from the sale of the book.
Publishing Services
Sadly, people are imperfect.Including the writers whose style we sometimes admire. And they have annoying mistakes, censuses, sometimes grammar or spelling is lame, despite the fact that there are a lot of fresh and deep ideas. It happens, the logical and syntactic construction is not at the highest level. People often do not see their own mistakes. To do this, I must look at the work of someone else, take a fresh look at it. For this purpose, Moscow publishers expand their list of services somewhat. For example, you can additionally order the verification of your work according to various criteria. An experienced and knowledgeable person will fix your mistakes for you or point them out, which in itself is worth a lot. The own illustrators and designers of publishing houses also help in this business. They will draw relevant pictures from the piece, pick up photos, and skillfully draw up page turns. To simplify the process of selling books, for a fee, they will help you to place the necessary advertising and information on public communication channels. Will send letters of recommendation, will add to the price lists of suppliers and so on. For a publisher, this is a great way to make more money, and for your work - skilled editing, advertising campaign and the ability to adequately design its appearance.
Where to handle the manuscript
Moscow publishing houses list has enoughextensive, and new ones periodically open. However, they have different themes and specialization. For example, there are educational publishing houses in Moscow, which produce only teaching literature. These are various textbooks, educational plans, methodical manuals and reference books. Children's publishing houses in Moscow specialize in children's literature: fairy tales, toy books, rhymes, mystery books, and so on. Before submitting the manuscript for consideration, be sure to specify which type of literature is preferred by the publisher. Perhaps your work will not even be considered, and it will lie untouched in a folder on the most abandoned table. And while you lose a few months in anticipation of a response from the editor. The review process is not so fast, and you are not the only author in your city who wants to see your work on the living, fragrant typography, pages.
To speed up the process and the possibility fasterTo solve the issue with the publication should be addressed immediately to several specialized publishers. Moreover, it is not necessary to know all the addresses of Moscow publishing houses. In most cases, it is enough to send the manuscript to the editor by e-mail, and then call and inform about his desire to publish it. To calm the nerves and to make sure that you have not been forgotten, it is not forbidden to periodically consult at what stage is the examination of your masterpiece. Only it should be done within reasonable limits, without irritating the working staff of the selected publishing house.
Children's Literature Publishers
- Publishing House "Scooter" is engagedreplication and distribution of children's and youth literature. Manuscripts are sent to the email address of the publisher with a note about the author directly in the letter and at the beginning of the book. You must specify your last name, first name, middle name, contact phone number, email and actual address.
- The publishing house "Flamingo" is looking for authors of books for children of preschool and early school age. Mailing address for the manuscript: 127083 Moscow, PO Box 21. Specify your full details in the letter.
- Children's publishing house "Pink giraffe":Moscow, 125167, 4th Street March 8, 6A. Please note that manuscripts are not accepted by hand, only in electronic form! The decision is made within 1-3 months. For reviewing prose and literary translation, a letter must be sent at least three chapters (but not more than 75 pages of printed text) written in 12 Times New Roman fonts, indentation is 1.5, the first page indicates the author’s data. For poems - a collection of entire or first ten poems. The font size is also 12.
Various kinds of entertainment literature publishers in Moscow, a list of which is below, also dismantled by genre.
- On Star Boulevard, house 21, settled"Publishing group AST". They are ready to consider various options for styles, types and directions of works. It is required to write a short description, your contact details and attach the first three chapters of the work. The proposed manuscript is reviewed within three months, and the verdict is subsequently rendered. If you are refused, neither the review, nor the part of the manuscript that you submitted will be returned to you.
- The authors writing in the framework of the genre of fiction and fantasy, as well as various humorous works, are very interested in the Alfa Kniga publishing house. You can write at 125565, Moscow, PO Box 4.
- Publishing house "Eksmo" is the absolute leader onRussian market. However, it is not against considering the proposals of new authors. And if you are lucky, then publishing here is prestigious. This is a good contribution to future work. Engaged in fiction, entertainment, applied and children's literature. You can send your manuscripts to the following address: 127299, Moscow, ul. Clara Zetkin, house 18/5. You can learn about the fate of your manuscript at the reception by number (495) 411 6886.
Scientific publishing houses of Moscow
For teachers, professors and other peopleemployed in the field of education, one of the stages of a career is just the publication of its own scientific literature, research, or improved textbooks for pupils and students of various educational institutions. With such literature it is necessary to apply to book publishing houses in Moscow, which are engaged in the publication and marketing of such literature in schools, universities, on various courses, and so on.
- The publishing house "Clio", located on the street Academician Yangel, is engaged in printing literature on history from antiquity to the nineteenth century. That is, historians road exactly there.
- On Green Avenue, Building 8 is the publishing house "Aspect Press". Their specialization is textbooks for higher educational institutions.
- In Khoroshevsky district, on the Fourth Trunkstreet, there is a book publishing "Alpina". Their direction is business and professional literature. If your work relates to the field of advanced training, professional secrets and peculiarities, and various trainings, you should go there.
- The legal publishing house in the Basmanny district "Norma" is located on Kolpachniy lane, 9a.
- The magazine, which professionally publishes information about underwear, is located in Nagatinsky backwater on Warsaw highway. Yes, there are even such highly specialized book publishers in Moscow.
- "Texus-Info" distributes regulatory documents in the field of electric power industry.
- Information and Publishing Center "StatisticsRussia "belongs to the category of" State publishing houses of Moscow. "It publishes various statistical studies in various fields that have a direct purpose and are necessary for the work of many services, both municipal and commercial.
- "Construction newspaper" and Krasnoselsky district is engaged in publishing the appropriate literature name. Located at: Myasnitskaya street 39, building 1m.
- In Lefortovo there is a publishing house "Geomedia Print". He specializes in maps, atlases, and study guides in this sector. The specific address is Andronovskoye Highway, Building 26.
Most prestigious publishers
- Multiple publishing house "Perot" is engaged inthe publication of periodicals, children's books, various kinds of brochures, books by lesser-known authors from a single copy, reviews of contemporary art and other things. Located at Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod street, 29-33, building 15, of. No. 536. Valid under license.
- Publisher "Young Guard", operating with1922, is now considered one of the most famous publishing companies. Address: 12 Sushchevskaya Street, Moscow, 127055. Currently produces more than 80,000 book titles. Has two own stores.
- Издательство "Грифон" занимается выпуском memoirs, psychological trainings, historical literature are also in their publications and books for the soul. Address: 123007, Moscow, Khoroshevskoe highway, 38, of. No. 522.
- Publishing E.RA helps the author in the printing and distribution of literature. 117588, Moscow, Novoyasenevsky Avenue, 32, building 1, entrance 2.
- The publishing house "Grani" publishes magazines and books of the direction "Art and Monuments". Moscow, Vlasyevsky Mal. lane 12, building 1.
- Publisher "Deepak" produces printed materials of any type and complexity. Specializes in educational, professional and project printing. Moscow, Izmailovo shosse, 71, building 4G-D, of. № 4ГД12.
- The publishing house "Clio" specializes in biographies and life stories of famous people. Moscow, Rossoshanskaya street, 6.
Work schemes of almost any Moscow publishing house
First you need to figure out what schemesthese organizations work. Book publishers in Moscow can offer the author several options for cooperation. It all depends on the system of their work, the fame of the author, the quality and theme of the proposed manuscript. If the author is not known to the reading public, he will most likely have to publish it at his own expense. The same applies to unclaimed literature. It happens that readers are not very interested at this time in books of a certain nature. And whatever one may say, publishing houses are commercial organizations and work for profit. Nobody will work at a loss.
Underwater rocks
В любом деле встречаются свои проблемы, тонкости and pitfalls. Moscow publishing houses do not always work in good faith. If there is an opportunity to deceive a beginner, he will be deceived, you should not even doubt it. Therefore, carefully read the contract and consider the information received. In some cases, it may be far from the truth or unprofitable at the root. For example, if you are offered to enter into a contract for publishing a book at your expense, but they say that they will sell the print themselves, this is most likely a lie. You will pay an order of magnitude more than in any other publishing house, and the books will be a dead weight, which is not very eager to carry to stores.
Крупные книжные издательства Москвы, список which are much smaller, and who enjoy a special position in this niche, can conclude a contract with you on special conditions. The author will have to write a specific number of works for a certain period of time. A well-known writer may lose a lot of better deals during this period. For a beginner, this is, of course, a great opportunity to break into the sales market, but if a person is already known in the literary community, he should evaluate the pros and cons before signing a contract.