/ / Addresses of New Balance stores in Moscow near the metro

Addresses of stores "New Balance" in Moscow near the metro

Shoes "New Balance" is already popular all over the world.She is equally liked by both the younger generation and modern people. Large selection of sports shoes allows any consumer to choose for themselves the right pair. In Moscow, the addresses of New Balance stores are located as close as possible to the metro. To create each model, the manufacturer uses only the best and proven materials. Because of this, she is incredibly comfortable to wear.

Network "New Balance" in Moscow

If you go back a little to the story, then the brandappeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. Then his creator could not have imagined that his products would be so popular. Among its fans are many famous personalities, as well as many other consumer groups. The shoes are of high quality and do not let your feet get tired even after running.

New balance stores in Moscow addresses

Residents of the capital have already been able to fullyenjoy an excellent assortment of popular brand shoes. At each point, the buyer waiting for the friendly sellers, who will always provide the necessary advice. Addresses of New Balance stores in Moscow are such that it is very convenient to get to them. On the shelves are the most modern models of men's and women's sneakers. Each pair is made by special technology. Due to this, shoes are equally successfully used both for sports and for walking in everyday life.

List of stores "New Balance" with addresses

Addresses of New Balance stores in Moscow near metro stations:

  • Yartsevskaya street, 19, "Capitol" on Yartsevskaya - Art. m. "Youth" (421 m), "Krylatskoe" (2268 m).
  • Presnenskaya Embankment, 2, "Afimall City" - Art. m. "Business Center" (305 m), "International" (361 m).
  • Ring Road, the 24th kilometer, "Vegas" - Art. m. "Domodedovo" (2148 m), "Krasnogvardeyskaya" (2363 m).

New balance of discount in Moscow stores addresses

  • Vernadsky Avenue, 6, "Capitol" on Vernadsky - Art. m. "University" (407 m), "Prospect Vernadskogo" (2319 m).
  • Red Square, 3, GUM - Art. m. "Revolution Square" (225 m), "Okhotny Ryad" (428 m).
  • Leningradskoye Highway, 16Ас4, "Metropolis" - Art. m. "Voykovskaya" (582 m), "Water Stadium" (1822 m).
  • area of ​​the Kiev railway station, 2, "European" - Art. m. "Kiev" (Ring) (93 m), "Kiev" (Filevskaya) (93 m).
  • Schukinskaya Street 42, "Pike" - Art. metro station Schukinskaya (199 m), Voikovskaya (2361 m).

In addition, you can purchase popular shoes at the following address: Moscow Region, Kotelniki, 1st Pokrovsky Passage, 5, MEGA Belaya Dacha.

Where it is profitable to buy shoes "New Balance" in Moscow

Many shoe brand fans want to haveCollections are not one pair, but several. It has now become available to all citizens. Among the addresses of New Balance stores in Moscow there are excellent options where you can purchase branded products at a good price. This is a great chance to combine a bargain with good emotions.

Addresses of discount stores "New Balance" in Moscow:

  • st. Malaya Dmitrovka, d. 21 - metro station "Tverskaya" / "Pushkinskaya".
  • st. Nikolskaya 17, Slavyansky Business Center - Ploshchad Revolutsii metro station.

Shops are open daily, so every customer can get there on his day off. A convenient time will allow you to do this in the morning or evening hours.

Additional convenience for buyersis that many online stores of the company deliver orders directly to the house. Up to three pairs of shoes are brought to the fitting, so you can choose the right size or model for yourself.