/ / Boris the Red: biography, cause of death, photo

Boris the Red: biography, the cause of death, photo

Poet Ryzhy Boris Borisovich with his creativitycaptured all the most profound experiences of the Russian nation in the period of the collapse of the USSR. Called the last poet of the empire, Red was born in 1974, on September 8. During his short life the poet wrote more than a thousand poems. Today many people wondered who Boris Red is. The biography, cause of death and creativity of this man excites the minds of his admirers.

Boris the Red: biography

The poet's parents were intelligent people.Father, Boris Petrovich Red, was a professor. He received a doctorate for geological and mineralogical research. The poet's mother, Margarita Mikhailovna, worked as a doctor-epidemiologist.

red boris

In early 1980, Boris Petrovich Red andMargarita Mikhailovna change their permanent place of residence and move from Chelyabinsk to Sverdlovsk. They settle down at a new address: Vtorchermet district, ul. Titova, etc. 44. With them came a six-year-old son - Boris the Red. The person's biography will now be connected with the city of Sverdlovsk for the rest of his life, which has become for him a new home.

School hobbies of the poet

Boris starts school in the suburbsSverdlovsk. The first three years of Redhead with passion is keen on aeromodelling. As a junior high school student, Boris Jr. often puts words into rhymes, jokingly and freely. My sister recalls the times when, before going to bed, Borya splashed out all the energy accumulated in him with rhymes.

Boris redhead biography cause of death

The future poet was a creative child.Passion for aircraft modeling was replaced by interest in modeling clay. Unlike many of his friends, the boy engaged in this kind of creativity with great interest.

At the age of 11, the budding poet Boris Ryzhy went on a trip to Lake Itkul with his sister. During the time spent there, he learned to swim.

Injury due to curiosity

A few weeks later, Auburn constructed a self-made parachute and conducted a test experiment, jumping from a high tree. As a result, the young poet broke his arm and became interested in biology.

Journey to the homeland of the ancestors

An important event in the formation of the personality of the poetbecame a trip to the homeland of the ancestors on the maternal line. Boris Petrovich and Margarita Mikhailovna, together with their 12-year-old son, went to the village of Oryol Oblast called Skripovo.

Boris redhead photo

In those very days, Boris Ryzhiy first looked at itdeep in its roots. Stories about the war and stories about great-grandfathers helped him to better understand himself and his ancestry. Then the poet first thought about the history of mankind. About where the beginnings of suffering, and what beauty is.

Books read by the poet

The first 12 years of his life, Boris Ryzhiy always received fatherly attention and care. This is very reflected later in his work. Boris Petrovich often read to his son the poems of such poets as:

  • A. Block.
  • V. Bryusov.
  • M. Lermontov.
  • S. Yesenin.
  • F. Tyutchev.
  • A. Pushkin.

Auburn experienced a great interest in the literary works of Russian poets. The elder sister read him Nekrasov’s fairy tales.

Red Boris Borisovich

In 1987, Boris Ryzhiy and Olga paid a lotattention to Yesenin. They often read aloud the verses of Vladimir Mayakovsky. Boris with great interest plunges into the reading of M. Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita. He has long been impressed by the idea of ​​this work. Particularly fond of Pontius Pilate.

In the same year, Boris appears interested inmusic art. Redhead begins to listen to music and develops a rumor. This experience inspires him so much that he decides to make his own attempts to write a composition.

Reading Mayakovsky and first love

In 1988, Redhead Boris first saw the poems of Joseph Brodsky. Authors such as V. Mayakovsky and I. Brodsky, a fourteen-year-old young man, always read with particular ecstasy.

At almost the same age, Boris met his first youthful love - the neighbor girl, Julia.

Attitude to death

By the end of the ninth grade the poet Boris the Red waswell-educated young man. He always had a genuine interest in everything new. Unlike most of his peers, Boris was a comprehensively developed adolescent. The zeal for comprehending the unknown was manifested in everything. Even the love of reading Russian literature did not prevent him from winning prizes in boxing, karate and judo competitions.

Boris redhead cause of death

Boris was as open as there arebrave people are capable of it. In his life there is a turning point, a strong shock - the suicide jumped out of the window of the neighboring house. From this news, Boris experienced a previously unknown anxiety. Being a very clever and well-read young man, the young man had a considerable idea of ​​the meaning of life and the frailty of life. Boris Ryzhy can never get such a heavy thought out of his head. Perhaps, at that time, he could not understand one thing: what, after all, is courage or cowardice prompting a person to cease to exist in this world?

Ever since the young man’s attitude todeath and a look at values ​​has changed forever. It was at that moment that the beginning poet Boris Ryzhy began to describe in verse his view of the world and the senselessness of fear.

Award for voluntary death

Boris Ryzhiy has come a long way from his firstpoems to recognition and reward. The poet has been abroad and saw the lives of other people. She was very different from life in Yekaterinburg. Boris got married, and soon his son Artem was born in his family. In 2000, he was 7 years old.

In the last years of his life, Boris studied atAcademy, wrote a lot, repeatedly his poems were published. Unusual creativity of Red accounted for many to taste. The lines of these poems were crept to the very bones, and Boris understood this.

Together with his friend and poet Roman Tyagunov hedecides to create something sensational. Young poets announce the All-Russian Competition, which will determine the author of the best poem about eternity. Shortly thereafter, a special organizing committee is created to award the Marble Prize.

The guys were going to do literary PRfor Yekaterinburg. The idea was based on the opinion that each author’s cherished desire is a written book or recognition of his work during his lifetime, but in the form of a monument. Having shown a little ingenuity, Roman put forward a proposal that will be able to combine these two desires.

Boris redhead cause of death

It was decided that a marble monument in the form of a book, on the front side of which they will be carved, will serve as a reward for the best lines about eternity.

Looking for a sponsor, Boris and Roman turned tomarble tombstone manufacturer. Of course, there were those who were suspicious of a superstitious undertaking. But a true poet who thinks about death, such concepts as superstition, absolutely not frighten. As conceived, the undertaker did his job.

Soon Roman Tyagunov died.The strongest shock experienced Boris Red. The cause of the death of a friend remains secret. The official version is suicide. Tyagunov jumped out of the window of his apartment. Many people considered him to be a jumper, but there is a statement that Roman had guests on that evening - there were four unwashed circles on the table.

At that time Boris Red was experiencing black depression.Photos Tyagunova and shouted wild silence. The poet then wrote these lines: “The pain walks in every room, and alcohol does not help. Forever in my memory your features are distorted, but it is not you. "

Four months later, Boris Ryzhiy was found.dead. His body was found hanging on the balcony door in his parents' apartment. Nearby lay a note, which soon disappeared. It read: “I loved you all, without fools. Your Boris.

Documentary about the poet

Boris Ryzhiy died on May 7, 2001.During his short life, he learned a lot and no less conveyed to us in his poems. In 2009, the young director of the Netherlands Alyona Van Der Horst became interested in the short but rich history of the life of the Sverdlovsk poet. Without thinking twice, she decides to make a documentary to capture the environment in which the Russian poet B. Ryzhy, who was recognized during his lifetime, was born, lived and died.

Boris redhead biography

The film is called "Boris Ryzhiy".The biography, cause of death and creativity of the main character are shown as far as possible. That's because the people who are asked questions in front of a video camera, do not meet the film crew with warmth and cordiality. Unfortunately, even the housemates are not all able to remember that such a wonderful person as Boris Ryzhiy lived with them.

Perhaps only because of the main idea of ​​the film,sadly, the shots were taken from the life of people who once lived in a powerful and ideological power called the USSR. And now they all cannot understand how their values ​​lie. Young people drink and use drugs. Many men either serve jail sentences or die at a young age, never knowing anything about themselves and their abilities.