/ / Recall the best classic works will help their summary: Gogol, "Enchanted Place"

Remember the best classical works will help their brief content: Gogol, "Enchanted place"

The story "Enchanted Place" is one ofstories N.V. Gogol from the cycle "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". Two main motives are intertwined in it: hooliganism of devils and getting treasure. This article is a brief summary. Gogol, “Enchanted Place” is a book that was first printed in 1832. But the time of its creation is not known for certain. It is believed that this is one of the earliest works of the great master. Freshen up all his highlights.

short content Gogol enchanted place

N. V. Gogol, "Enchanted Place". The main characters of the work

• Grandfather.

• Chumaks (merchants).

• Grandchildren grandfather.

• grandfather's grandfather.

Summary: Gogol, “Enchanted Place” (introduction)

Gogol enchanted place summary
This story happened a long time ago, whenthe narrator was still a child. His father, taking one of his four sons, went to sell tobacco in the Crimea. On the farm there were three guys, their mother and grandfather, who was keeping watch on the garden (garden, planted with watermelons and melons) from uninvited guests. One evening, a cart carrying merchants passed by. Among them were many familiar grandfather. Having met, they rushed to kiss and remember the past. Then the guests lit a pipe, the treat went. It became fun, go dance. The grandfather also decided to shake the old days and show Chumak that he still has no equal in the dance. Further with the old man something unusual began to happen. But this will tell the next chapter (its summary).

Gogol, "Enchanted Place." Development of events

Grandfather went away, but as soon as he reached the cucumberbeds, his legs suddenly ceased to obey. He was taken away, but just no sense. There was laughter from behind. He looked around, and behind him there is no one. Yes, and the place is unfamiliar around. Before him lies a bare field, and to the side is a forest, from which a long pole protrudes. For a moment, it seemed to him that it was a clerk's threshing floor, and the pole, visible from behind the trees, was the dovecote in the garden of the local priest. Around it is dark, the sky is black, there is no month. Grandfather went around the field and soon came upon a small path. Suddenly a fire lit up in front of one of the graves, then went out. Then a light flashed in another place. Our hero was delighted, having decided that it was a treasure. He regretted only that he had no shovels now. “But it doesn't matter,” thought the grandfather. “After all, you can notice this place with something.” He found a large branch and threw it on the grave, on which the flame was burning. Having done this, he returned to his tower. Only it was too late, the children were asleep. The next day, without saying a word to anyone and taking the spade with him, the irrepressible old man went to the priest's garden. But the trouble is that now he did not recognize these places. There is a dovecote, so there is no threshing floor. The grandfather will turn: there is a field, and the dovecote is gone. He returned home with nothing. And the next day, when the old man, having decided to dig up a new ridge on a bashtan, hit a shovel in the place where he had not danced, suddenly the pictures in front of him changed, and he found himself in the very field where he saw the lights. Our hero was delighted, ran up to the grave he had noticed earlier. On it lay a big stone. Throwing it aside, the grandfather decided to smell the snuff. Suddenly someone strongly sneezed over him. Looked at the old man, but no one. He began to dig the ground on the grave and dug a cauldron. He was delighted and exclaimed: "Ah, here you are, my dear!" The bird's head squeaked the same words from the branch. And behind it bleated a lamb head from a tree. A bear peeped out of the boron and bellowed the same phrase. No sooner had the grandfather say new words, how did they begin to repeat the same faces. The old man was frightened, grabbed the cauldron and rushed away. About what happened to the hapless hero next, tell the following chapter below (its summary).

Gogol enchanted place main characters

Gogol, "Enchanted Place." Ending

And the grandfather's houses were already enough.We sat down for dinner, but he is not. After the meal went to the hostess in the garden to pour slop. Suddenly she saw how a barrel was climbing towards her. She decided that it was someone's joke, and poured the slop directly on her. But it turned out that this was the grandfather. In the cauldron that he brought with him, there was only squabbles and trash. Since then, the old man has vowed not to believe in devils, and he cursed a curtain in his garden. They said that when this field was hired under the local chumak melons, it grew on this piece of land that God knows that, even it was impossible to make out.

More than a century and a half ago, N. V. Gogol wrote an “enchanted place”. A summary of it is set forth in this article. Now it is no less popular than many years ago.