/ / Arthur Conan Doyle: The Hound of the Baskervilles. Summary

Arthur Conan Doyle: The Hound of the Baskervilles. Summary

Hound of the Baskervilles
"The Hound of the Baskervilles" (in English original -The Hound of the Baskervilles) - the story of Arthur Conan Doyle, describing the adventures of the most famous detective of all time and his assistant. The first publication of the work is dated August 1901. She parts came out in the monthly Strand Magazine. "The Hound of the Baskervilles" is remarkable with one more thing. She became a kind of rebirth of the character beloved by readers after his possible death in a fight with the head of the underworld of London, Professor Moriarty. Fans of Conan Doyle highly appreciated the Hound of the Baskervilles: the book provided success for subsequent stories about the detective from Baker Street.

По сюжету, Шерлоку Холмсу предстоит расследовать the mysterious death of Sir Charles Baskerville. James Mortimer, a doctor in the Devonshire county, comes to an apartment on Baker Street, 221-B. He is concerned about the sudden death of one of his patients. The body of Sir Charles Baskerville was discovered in the park of his own estate. Despite the fact that everything spoke about the natural death caused by progressive heart disease, the doctor was alarmed by something, namely the giant dog tracks not far from the lifeless body. The deceased himself was deeply convinced that there was a Hound of the Baskervilles - the creation of a mystical lineage that had haunted his race for several centuries. The opinion of Sir Charles was also shared by farmers from nearby lands, according to which, they themselves often had to see a dog burning with hellish light at night in the swamps.

Sherlock Holmes Baskerville Dog
Intrigued by the riddle, Holmes takes the case underyour control. The very next day, he meets with the scion of the deceased, Sir Henry. The newly-born owner of a bewitched estate is on a platoon: he received an anonymous letter with threats and advice to stay away from the family nest. On the nervous ground, Henry begins to drink and deeply believe in family tradition. Sherlock discovers in London the secret surveillance of the young baronet.

Contrary to his wont, the detective refusespersonally visit the site of the murder and delegates all authority to Dr. Watson, who is entrusted everywhere to accompany Sir Henry and report on the situation regarding the letters.

During the investigation, it is possible to establish thatThe Hound of the Baskervilles is nothing more than a hoax by the authorship of a neighbor, Jack Stapleton, who actually is a nephew of the late baronet. Stapleton, settling nearby under an assumed name, managed to ingratiate himself with the Baskervilles in order to take possession of the estate. At one time, after learning from the mouth of the most departed family legend and recalling Sir Charles’s weak heart, Jack transforms his cunning plan into life. Having bought a huge black dog, Stapleton smears it with a special luminous composition and secretly delivers the dog at nights to Baskerville Hall.

dog baskervilles book
It was established and the cause of death of the poorthe baronet. Stapleton's calculation turned out to be true: seeing the hellish creature in front of him, Charles Baskerville started to run, but because of the strongest fear and exertion the heart of an elderly gentleman could not stand it. The same evil genius tried to turn on Henry, but Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes prevented the implementation of the cunning plan. The Hound of the Baskervilles turned out to be an unusually large specimen of a mixture of bloodhound and black mastiff, richly grated phosphorus. Trying to escape from the police chase, Stapleton is sinking in the Devonshire swamps. Holmes is trying to save the life of the criminal, but does not have time.