/ / Ivan Alekseevich Bunin: analysis of the poem “The Dog”

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin: analysis of the poem "The Dog"

In his literary works, NobelLaureate Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, like any classic of his time, loved to philosophize about the life, destiny of a person and the world around him. The writer was very fond of the lyrics, it was in her that he could express his mood and attitude to what was happening. And now, before embarking on the topic “Bunin: analysis of the poem“ The Dog ”, it should be immediately noted that very often in his works Bunin used allegorical images that helped him to more accurately express thoughts. The behavior of animals, plants, fairy tales or mythological characters, some inanimate objects in his poems are interpreted in a figurative sense.

Bunin analysis of the poem dog

The Dog (Bunin)

The verse was written in the summer of 1909.In the center of the plot are two lonely living creatures - a man and a dog, who were close on a dreary, dull day. Now everyone thinks about his own, everyone can be traced to the sadness of memories and the joy of dreams. This is the whole Bunin. The analysis of the poem “The Dog” suggests that the classic was sure: it is in the poems of the allegorical or metaphorical plan that you can fully reveal your emotions and evaluate everything that happens.

State of mind

This creative impulse was preceded by oneevent: Ivan Alekseevich in the summer of that year stopped by to visit the favorite city of childhood and adolescence - Yelets. Here he loved to retire and calmly take up work. The summer was very rainy and cold. Bunin was strongly affected by this: a slight blunt attack was attacked. He practically did not leave the house and watched the change of weather from his window, on the frame of which raindrops flowed down.

And in one of these days, the dog decideddevote his poem Bunin. The analysis of the poem “The Dog” says that the poet also gives his lyrical hero a sad mood, from which all sorts of philosophical thoughts come to mind. He gives the dog an opportunity to dream about the tundra, ice, in general, about the place where the dog felt free and happy among the tribesmen. The author catches himself thinking that he, too, is thinking about something distant and invisible.

dog bunin verse

Bunin: analysis of the poem "The Dog"

If you start analyzing the first fourcolumn of this beautiful poem, literally immediately imagine yourself in a secluded corner, among the provincial nature, where you always want to get away from the bustle of the city. And all this is done in order to retire and be alone with your thoughts. This is deliberate loneliness and contributes to an excellent lyrical mood. At these moments, when no one is around, and you can do your favorite thing - to draw, read a book, write poetry or music. Such concentration allows you to concentrate your creative forces and in reality create something new for the soul - personal and unique.

Ivan Bunin dog

Invisible connection

A silent witness of this state of mindthe hero turned out to be a dog, which was lying under his foot in a ball, with his tail between the weather. It is heated, and this makes the author a little easier on the soul. He starts a mental dialogue with her and tries to penetrate into her soul. Thus, her thoughts are humanized: together with the poet, now the animal is sad and dreams of those places where he once was accustomed well and voluntarily.

The hero thinks about how God, who came tothe earth, knew loneliness, longing and sadness. In the same way, every person, no matter how well-off, can reach, in whatever country he grows, whatever time he lives, will still go through all this.

В этом действительно проявился сам Иван Бунин.“Dog” is one of his numerous poems in which he once again emphasizes that poetry is a gift from God, to touch which and feel it fully, not everyone is given. He clearly understood for himself: the poet can not write poetry for everyone, and there is nothing to worry about the fact that only a few can understand them.


The most important thing - Bunin vaguely apprehended dashingevents that will shake his beloved Rosiiu and literally destroy it. In the midst of the revolution, he would leave his native land and first go to Odessa in 1918, and two years later his second homeland would be France, where he would be buried in the cemetery of Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois. Until 1955 his literary works were not published, but then some of them began to be published in the USSR. Bunin became the writer of the first wave of Russian emigration. And some of his sharp works were allowed to be printed only in the years of the restructuring of Gorbachev’s time.