The topic of family scandals does not lose itsrelevance throughout the entire period of human existence. In an effort to improve relationships, as a rule, women seek the help of psychologists and specialists in the field of family and marriage. As a result of the assessment and systematization of a huge number of facts, several main reasons for quarrels with the husband were identified. The list of reasons causing family upheavals includes violations in the distribution of roles, mistakes in the relationship of partners to each other, differences in attitudes towards life, and crises in sexual relations, and even disappointment in their partner. A lot of pepper into family life is brought about by the attempts of “intrusive help” on the part of parents, harmful addictions and illnesses, subconscious competition for power, problems of the communicative plan. The list of reasons for which there are constant quarrels with her husband, could be continued indefinitely. But all of them can be grouped into seven main groups.
The first group combines disagreements caused bytemporary influences on people's relationships. Those who show increased loving at the very beginning, in the midst of family life, become the initiator of the claims. A member of the family tandem begins to be reproached with reproaches and discontent, if he fails to achieve harmony, he subconsciously predicts a sad ending and, unwittingly, begins to act according to the established model.
You can save the situation in this case iffundamentally review the style of behavior in relation to each other. Stop nagging and recriminations. You should immediately remove from the relationship of the charges and forget the mistakes of past years. In the family "war" there are no winners. When one drowns the other, then he finds himself in a critical situation. It's time to look for attractive qualities in a partner and just ignore what is annoying in him.
The second group consists of quarrels with her husband, causedstruggle for leadership in the pair. In the period of falling in love, this struggle manifests itself unnoticed, each “main” on a certain part of the relationship is unique in its own way, unique and attractive. But in the future, the phase of critical assessments begins, and this is where the broth of claims begins to boil. Often, during this period, one begins to openly present his opinion as the main thing, the second one showing in this case the “near wisdom” begins to give way until the relationship reaches a critical point.
As soon as the relationship begins to move into the category of competition, it is worth sounding the alarm.
The third group of reasons for whichconstantly with her husband quarrel, assigned problems based on Family Budget. Options claims in this field is not considered. It is recommended that in order to avoid most of them, the joint income should be divided into three areas. In the first, take into account the general needs, the second is divided into the pockets of all family members to solve minor personal problems from traveling by tram to replenishing the phone, and the third part to have as joint savings. The share of each direction depends on family income and the general agreement of all members.
The fourth group of scandals is the basisthe reasons that lead to divorce. If quarrels with the husband arise because of non-observance of moral principles, family ethics and violation of marital fidelity, then the path to divorce goes to the finish line. It is difficult to restore relations at least to the level of common human understanding, when hatred, irritation and discontent are raging with might and main. If not a divorce, then mutual isolation in this case is recommended.
In the fifth group, it was decided to collect scandals onreasons very similar to those described in the second category, but arising from social inequality. The finance director and the janitor are beginning to misunderstand each other in the family. Quarrels with her husband begin to resemble a production skirmish.
Part of family disagreements allegedly causedmutual misunderstanding, and in fact, vain hopes make up the sixth group. Quarrels with the husband occur because of a little fantastic, but often leading to real scandals with serious consequences. One side (often female) expects from the other side some special manifestations of love, unusual signs of attention or a particular style of behavior. At the same time it relies only on the “telepathic” abilities of its beloved. The more serious this approach, the greater the bitterness of disappointment. Did you try to hint or say directly?
The seventh group of conflicts is unifyingall previous ones The conflict is not resolved, but smothered by a compromise of one of the parties will sooner or later develop either in the same form, or acquire a new form, but the cause of the scandal will remain, and it will be further aggravated by new reproaches.
Building a family together is easy, difficult and impossible to solve family problems alone.