/ / How to attract the attention of men

How to attract the attention of men

How much has the life values ​​changed from thosedistant times, when men were hunters and getters. In the modern world, you increasingly see women who have played this male role for a long time. They themselves have to take action to attract attention to themselves, and even the conquests of the man they liked. Is it good? But it is so.

Now women show themselves no less, and sometimes even more dangerous predators than men. And they know how to hunt, first of all, for men. And the secrets of their success are simple, read this article.

Как привлечь внимание мужчины?In fact, it's very simple to do. Do something stupid, it's 100% draw attention to yourself, but you want this attention to be positive? So you need to know which women attract men? What are the female tricks to fascinate at first sight. What attracts guys in girls?

And the first rule, which must be iron.In any situation, under any circumstances, stay calm. If a man sees you in hysterics, it will be his first repulsive impression of you. And to convince him of the opposite will be very difficult. The first impression is the strongest. Be more benevolent towards the world, and he will reciprocate you. With men also - a kind, sincere, radiant smile disarms any, even the most stony and frozen, disappointed heart of a young man. A smile gives hope for warmth and kindness. How to attract the attention of men? Smile, radiate good.

Triple, which immediately draws the attention of the youngman, this is your appearance. And as life practice shows, beauty is not yet a victory. This is definitely a plus, but this is enough only to produce the first second impression, but no more. And anyway, the concept of beauty is different for everyone. Some like hudyshki and no more. And someone can not resist the fascination of magnificent beauty. It's a matter of taste, and taste is a delicate thing. Therefore, it is difficult to guarantee something, but there are some ways to both attract the attention of a man and push him away from you:

Sloppy appearance, disheveled, dirtyhair, peeled off the varnish on the long-neglected nails, the discrepancy of style and in general, the lack of taste in clothes. For example, too old-fashioned or too vulgar clothing, especially if it is also dirty. The same goes for shoes. After all, shoes are paid attention in the first place. All this will alienate the man. And the one who it can attract, it's better to stay on, it's certainly not the prince of your dreams. A well-groomed, pleasantly smelling girl who blossoms right before the eyes of a man, can not help but touch the strings of his soul.

Many girls, paying too much attentiontheir outer side, completely forget about their inner content. This is where the disappointment arises. When a man sees an attractive, seemingly modest and educated girl, you want to hide her with your strong, man's shoulder. But it is worth to this sweet creature to utter the first word, as the desire of a man abruptly disappears. Irritant tone, obscene expressions, demonstrating a complete lack of culture and education. Another thing to hear is a nice gentle female voice, in which there is its charm and a barely noticeable note of flirting. And this is right, you need to flirt a little, otherwise you will not pay attention to the man.

If you have the opportunity to communicate, you needshow the man his intelligence, a lie, that men love barren dolls Barbie. They as quickly bother them, as well as children, who have already played enough with them. So be more mysterious, try to somehow intrigue him. You can quote the expression of the famous sage or classic. Or just demonstrate your positive nature and sense of humor. A sense of humor is a great trump card, if you have an ironic character and are able to emphasize the comic nature of any situation, it is nice to get out of any situation - success is guaranteed. Now you know how to attract the attention of a man, and then everything depends on you.