/ / Fundamentals of logic in higher education

Fundamentals of Logic in Higher Educational Institutions

Fundamentals of logic, both modern andClassics are studied in higher education in the first year. Know wisdom and answer important questions of the subject "Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic" - the primary task of the student.

All scientific research is based on logical laws.

Naturally, the basis of logical analysis is the definition of truth, but it is also true that the truth is perceived by man as a state of clarity.

Logical analysis is similar to therapy - it gives usthe possibility, at least for a while, of losing the obsessive state of incomprehension and vagueness of what other people write or say. We learn the basics of logic in order to further understand and demonstrate to others the importance of analysis when “curing” problems that arise in constant communication and are often the result of the entanglement and darkness of our speech. In logic, there is no desire to fruitlessly teach everyone to think correctly and speak beautifully, but what is in her power is to master the skill of attentive attitude to the uncertainty and ambiguity of the terms that we use daily. If the foundations of the algebra of logic cannot teach us to think and think mathematically, then at least they will help us consistently and accurately express our own thoughts. No matter how complex the apparatus of modern mathematical logic is, its final goal is to analyze the communication between people in its intellectual aspect.

Reach the goal you set for yourselfone can learn the basics of logic exclusively in practice - in the process of understanding all one's own difficulties, manifested as a result of the process of “speaking of thought”. In this regard, it should be noted that the solution of problems is by no means a panacea in the process of learning the foundations of mathematical logic.

For those who still (despite all that is said above) wants to understand the essence of the process of expressing thoughts and learn the basics of logic, you can always advise to follow these rules:

one.Always remember that mastering the theoretical part as well as practical problem solving have their meaning exclusively in the context of “growing your own understanding”. This means that both the mechanical memorization of the theory and the algorithmic approach to solving problems are equally strictly prohibited. Often an erroneous decision is much more significant in terms of personal growth than the correct, but not quite thoughtful, result.

2. Perform all exercises necessary consistently and exclusively from the beginning. It makes no sense to try to solve the problem from the next section, without having learned the material preceding.

3Understanding the essence of all logical operations, techniques and rules will be easiest in the process of solving problems. The more solved problems you have in your arsenal, the better your basic logic is learned.

four.It is also useful to know the following: no matter how many logical problems you decide in the process of cognition, you will not achieve an automatic understanding of all logical problems if they are not accompanied by your own mental activity that seeks expression.

five.Finally, you should pay attention to this rule, which has not lost its relevance today, which L. Carroll suggested: “If there is an opportunity, find a“ brilliant ”friend, with whom it will be easier for you ... to discuss the difficulties that arise. Verbal discussion is an ideal tool for resolving all the most difficult issues. When something baffles (no matter in logic or in another area), I discuss this problem out loud, even if I'm absolutely alone. You can explain everything clearly and clearly! In addition, explaining to himself the solution to a problem, a person shows amazing patience. ”