/ / EGE: what exams you need to pass a lawyer

USE: what exams should I take on a lawyer

On the eve of the new school yearAgain, questions concerning examinations that are required by admissions committees for admission to certain disciplines become relevant. What exams do I need to take for a lawyer, choreographer or builder? Now we will understand.

what exams you need to take a lawyer

What examinations should be taken for a lawyer and other specialties: problems of the choice of academic disciplines

Many applicants do not know what specialtychoose, and follow in the footsteps of parents or on the path imposed by them. There is another tendency when they enter universities for company with friends. What is it connected with? Firstly, due to the fact that now there is a weak vocational guidance work in schools. Secondly, there are too few meetings with representatives of a particular profession. Thirdly, weak propaganda work of higher educational institutions. All this lays its mark on the statistics.

What exams need to pass the lawyer and other specialties: classification of academic disciplines

Прежде чем выбирать экзамены, которые будут to surrender according to one's own choice, one should study the classification of academic disciplines, which are selected by universities. So, first of all, you need to choose a direction. They can be divided into 4 groups: technical, creative, natural sciences and humanities. What subjects should I take to a lawyer or a designer, a technologist or a builder? Each of these areas has its own standard set of exams.

what subjects to take on a lawyer

What exams you need to pass on a lawyer and other specialties:

So now we know that there are fourgroups of directions. Items are also subdivided. For example, for the humanities, it is history, English or any other foreign language, social studies and, in rare cases, literature. For legal professions it is required to pass an exam in history and a foreign language, for economics - in a foreign language and social studies, literature is an additional exam for philologists. Creative specialties imply passing not only EGE, but also additional creative tests, that is, a set of entrance exams will be as follows: literature (EGE) + creative tests in the specialty. As for the technical direction, everything seems to be clear and understandable here: results are needed in physics, sometimes in computer science. The natural science group includes a list of such areas that are directly related to biology or chemistry. Consequently, exams are needed in these subjects. It should be noted that these are only standard conditions, and that each university may establish additional admission rules. But most often, it is based on the results of the above listed disciplines that enrollment to the first course takes place.

what subjects should I take for an economist

Thus, thanks to the information from the articleYou can understand what subjects you need to take on an economist, engineer or choreographer. It remains to wish all applicants good luck and confidence in themselves, as well as clear certainty with the plans for the coming years.