When studying the institution of family special attentionpaid to the analysis of its functions. The opinions of specialists on this issue are in good agreement with each other. The existing differences mainly concern only the degree of detail of the spheres of family activity. For example, some authors separate the sexual-erotic function from the reproductive function, first, because of its independent value, and second, assigning the leading role in family psychosexual development of a person.
Family Institute
The family is a complex social education, inwhich are intertwined with the interests of society in general, the individual family and each member in particular. It is defined as the historically established specific system of marital and child-parent relationships. It is considered as a small group whose members are tied up by marriage or kinship, common life and mutual moral responsibility. They see it as a social necessity, conditioned by the need of the society for the reproduction of a physically and spiritually healthy population.
The family has a whole range of important socialfunctions and roles for which society is ready to create, maintain and protect this social institution. It is important to bear in mind that in human culture, social norms reflect idealized ideas about what the family should be in terms of the moral values of society.
Therefore, a normal family is a very notion.conditional. Those can be considered as those that provide the necessary minimum of well-being, social and psychological protection, create conditions for the socialization of children until they reach maturity - psychological and physical. Normally functioning families are those that responsibly and differentially perform their functions.
Относительно основных функций семьи суждения psychologists are in many ways consistent with the views of sociologists and culturologists. Such famous psychologists as Druzhinin VD, Elizarov AN, Matskovsky MS According to A.N. Elizarov, value orientations are united in the family of people, and they also set the prospects for its development.
Under the social functions of the family are the typesits livelihoods, directly related to the needs of its members. From time to time they undergo some changes due to the development of society.
A single generally accepted classification of socialThere are no family functions today, but there is interdependence and complementarity between the existing ones. Differences in views on this subject are not so significant. Below are the characteristics of the main functions of the family.

Sexual erotic function
Сексуальность – это врожденная потребность, expressing itself in a combination of biological, physiological, mental and emotional reactions. All of them are inextricably linked with the attraction of people of the opposite sex to each other and with the satisfaction of this attraction. Therefore, one of the most important functions of a family is sexually erotic, which implies the pleasure of satisfying the sexual needs of partners.
Dissatisfaction in the intimate sphere preventsman to live normally and perform their daily duties. He becomes irritable, gloomy. Sexual dissatisfaction is a strong destabilizing factor for marital relations.

Reproductive function
Репродуктивная функция семьи подразумевает satisfaction of individual needs in the child. It also involves maintaining health. Indeed, in this case, the family faces the task of preventing the manifestation in the new generations of various biological anomalies. The reproductive function of the family is of great importance for society as a whole, since it satisfies its need for reproduction of the population.
Educational function
The educational function of the family is very important.Psychologists emphasize that of all cubs, the human is the least independent. In order for him to grow and develop normally, he needs long-term care and care of his parents. The main thing that they can give him is love. Together with her, they transfer their life experience and knowledge to the child, as well as help to discover and develop his unique abilities and talents. Family upbringing has a much stronger impact than the public one, since it is more emotional and connected with the love of children by the parents, which evokes repulsive feelings in children.
The educational function of the family does not extendonly for the younger generation, but also for adults. The systematic impact of the educational nature of the family team is felt by a person throughout his life. There is also a constant influence from children on parents and other adult family members. The self-education of parents is associated primarily with the constant influence of children on their lives.

Economic function
An economic function is an organization.family financial support, which includes all sources and volumes of family income. They are based on the material living conditions of the family. This and the creation of normal living conditions. This is financial support for minors and disabled members. This is the potential to meet growing needs and empower families.
Adult family members are involved insocial production, form and distribute the family budget, organize consumer activities. To a large extent, their example is the labor and economic upbringing of children.

Household function
This family function is responsible for maintaining homelife. Maintaining cleanliness and order in the house, creating coziness in it, washing, ironing, cooking - all these are routine everyday measures that generally contribute to maintaining the health of partners and children. This also includes caring for babies and caring for elderly relatives.
All this requires a large number of temporarycosts, therefore, the question of the distribution of roles between spouses, the involvement of children in household work becomes urgent. This process has the most direct impact on the moral and psychological climate of the family group.

Leisure function
Досуговая функция предусматривает удовлетворение needs of family members in communication and organization of free time. They can arrange watching TV together, going to the cinema, organizing family parties, traveling, playing, playing sports and creating. This creates a favorable emotional background and helps to strengthen the family. If the family is happy, then the mutual enrichment of the interests of spouses and children takes place in it, and its activity is, as a rule, of a developing character.
Leisure is free time that a person candispose of on your own. This is the time when he can carry out activities for his own pleasure, be it entertainment, self-improvement, or the achievement of some goals on his own initiative, and not because of necessity. Primary skills of constructive use of free time are acquired within the family.

Psychotherapeutic function
Каждый человек испытывает потребность в любви, acceptance, understanding, respect, recognition, psychological support. That niche where it is fully satisfied should be a family. In it, first of all, a person should feel accepted and protected, without regard for his status, appearance, life achievements or their absence, financial status. This contributes to the preservation of the emotional and mental health of the individual, and this is precisely the task of the psychotherapeutic function. Lack of family understanding often leads to depression, aggression, and development of deviant behavior.

Primary socialization function
Family functions in society can not be overestimated.The family is the very first social institution in a person’s life, within which he begins to experience the world. It is in it that the child learns the norms of morality and the rules of behavior in various spheres of life, becomes familiar with the sanctions for their violation, learns about the responsibility and obligations in the relationship between relatives. Parents introduce the child to the culture of the country, its traditions. This is the primary socialization function. The peculiarities of the development of the psyche and the primary socialization of children at the earliest stages of their development depend on how well it is performed.
Social status function
Family is the key institution in lifeperson In addition to influencing the formation of his personality, she also gives him support and support in adulthood. The family leaves an imprint on its position in society - determines the belonging to a certain class, allocates titles, if any, transfers the inheritance. By giving family members a certain social status contributes to the formation and satisfaction of their needs for social advancement.
Force combining function
One of the most important features of the functionsfamilies are complex. Any of the above needs can be met without creating a family. And yet, only the institution of the family allows you to perform all these functions together and to ensure the integrated satisfaction of human needs.

Children mowgli
There are cases in the world where humanthe pups fell into flocks of animals and were brought up there. Their "parents" were wolves, bears, less often leopards, baboons. Such children were repeatedly caught by people. Catching them was as difficult as catching a wild beast.
Feral children behaved like animals -ran on all fours, could not stand and walk on two legs, showed aggression, and even more than animals from their flock. They had a well-developed sense of smell, sight and hearing. They were distinguished by great muscular strength and dexterity. In all other respects they were inferior to ordinary children of their age.
В реальности детей, воспитанных животными, there is practically no way to socially adapt and return to human society. As practice has shown, they are violently resisting attempts to attach them to civilized life, trying to escape back into the wild.
These numerous cases clearly showthat in the absence of involvement in the collective, social life, a person cannot develop as a person and remains at the level of an animal. The psychophysical development of a person very much depends on the quality of upbringing and education, the foundations of which are primarily laid in the family institution.