/ / Relationship of interpersonal importance in the "student-student". Information system "Student"

Relationships of interpersonal importance in the "student-student" system. Information system "Student"

Что представляет собой система «студент-студент»?In modern education, there are major changes. The old classical model is replaced by a new educational and educational paradigm, which implies the use of a person-centered approach in teaching the younger generation.

student student system

Theoretical aspects

It's hard to imagine a change in content.higher education without the socio-psychological characteristics of the student-student relationship system. We will try to identify the features of interpersonal relations between fellow students, analyzing the documentary materials, the results of sociological research conducted by professionals.

Throughout the existence of sociologyThe problem of the value orientations of young students of the student age remains relevant. It is the value-motivational sphere that is of great importance in the process of forming and improving the personality of a student, as well as in adjusting his behavior and social activity. Studies relating to the analysis of the impact of value orientations of an individual’s personality confirm the connection between the real behavior of students and the general and specific conditions of their activity.

Due to increased social mobility andundue susceptibility of this group, a special “student-student” system was needed, allowing to analyze each representative of the national students.

student rating system

GEF tools

In order for the new federal educational standards to show their effectiveness, special tools are needed. One of them was a rating system for assessing students' knowledge.

В современных реалиях на передний план выходит не the content of education, and the use of techniques that contribute to enhancing the mental activity of students. Such techniques allow the formation and improvement of analytical qualities. Children learn to compare several phenomena and objects, reveal similarities and differences between them.

student information system

System-activity approach

Именно этот принцип является базовым во ФГОС The second generation is focused on achieving a certain result. Features of the modern approach in higher education led to the fact that it required a special system of "student-student." In the traditional approach, the assessment was aimed at stimulating learning, orienting the student to a situation of success, identifying minor advances, contributed to the formation and change of self-esteem.

Такая оценочная система «студент-студент» assumed a five-point scale, so it was difficult to determine the student’s qualitative changes during the entire educational process, it was possible to identify only minor periods.

student rating system

Rating control

A similar version of the student assessment system appeared in the national higher education institute recently. In European countries, this structure has already shown its relevance, has yielded positive results.

Students rating system suggeststhe accumulation of mark not only for individual training courses, but also a whole cycle of subjects for a specific time period. If we analyze the various assessment systems of knowledge, perhaps the rating system is the only source of value for increasing the independence of students.

It stimulates the research work of young people, contributes to the increase of cognitive interest in the studied academic discipline, a positive change in self-esteem.

Student Rating Systemdiffers from the traditional version of informational openness. Guys have the opportunity not only to view their personal achievements, but also to compare them with the achievements of their classmates.

The modern “student-student” system motivates the activity of not only the students themselves, but also the teaching staff of the educational institution.

student rating system

Purpose of introduction

Student rating system allowsto create favorable conditions for stimulating independent work of students by means of systematic and modern assessment of the effectiveness of their work, to take into account all their real achievements.

At the initial stage of the implementation of this method of evaluation between the student and the teacher is an agreement on obligations with respect to each other.

The information system "student-student" does not imply an additional restructuring of educational activities, it harmoniously fits into the technology of student-centered learning.

student assessment systems

The structure of the assessment system

After successfully completing a specific task,given by the teacher, the student is awarded a certain number of points. There is also a special system for transferring points to the classic mark. This process is necessary because a five-point scale is used when grading a certificate in a higher school system. Those students who at the end of the reference period of time scored from 85 to 100 percent of the maximum possible number of points receive a well-deserved mark of "excellent." In the range from 71 to 85 percent in the record book appears "good", and at 56-70% - "satisfactory".

All student participation in scientific-practical and research conferences, special competitions, competitions, are also taken into account in the rating system, evaluated by 50 points.


In addition to scoring points for various academic andextracurricular activities in the modern rating provides for penalties. For example, for each skipping of lectures and seminars, it is assumed that 10 points are withdrawn, the same punishment is assumed for being late for classes, as well as for misconduct during a lecture or seminar.

student student relationship systems

Significance of the rating system

The rating option for assessing students ’academic achievements implies the use of innovative organizational learning options, including lessons on adjusting students’ knowledge and skills.

The teacher, analyzing the results of each student, gets the opportunity to carry out an individual adjustment of their skills and knowledge, to think through ways to solve problems that arise.

This guarantees an individual approach to each individual, the application of innovative methods to improve the quality of education, stimulate the process of self-development and self-education of students.

The introduction of the ranking in higher education has allowedmake full use of a variety of pedagogical technologies: modular, situational, differentiated, problem-based learning, pedagogy of cooperation, gaming technology.

Among the main problems associated with the implementationa modern rating system for assessing students' achievements; let us highlight the increase in the time spent on teaching staff for preparing for lecture and seminar classes. The rating is an individual numerical indicator, calculated separately for each student.


In modern education occur large-scalemodernization. Not only the content of educational disciplines, but also the system for evaluating students' personal achievements is changing. The developers consider the main advantages of the rating to be an integrated approach to motivational incentives aimed at increasing students' interest in studying courses.

A variety of incentives used in this evaluation concept, contribute to the differentiated approach of the teacher to each student.

Cumulative option allows you to reflect the realthe progress of each student during a specific time period, to identify creative and talented children, to carry out the pedagogical and psychological characteristics of Russian students.

The student gets the opportunity to takeAn independent decision on the choice of the knowledge control option at a seminar lesson. Having an idea of ​​the number of points that he will be credited for heuristic conversation, monologue, creative activity, research project, he carries out independent control of his rating, compares his personal educational achievements with the results of other children.

Безусловно, подобный подход положительно It affects the self-esteem of boys and girls, provides a real opportunity to demonstrate to the teacher and classmates your creative and intellectual potential, the desire to gain new knowledge.

Currently differentiation is usedfaculty not only for grading in the gradebook, it is taken into account in the distribution of students to work experience. Promising jobs in prestigious companies and organizations are first provided to highly rated students.

Upon receipt of positive feedback frompotential students these students receive lucrative job offers after completing their studies at a higher education institution. For many guys, it is social guarantees that are an incentive to occupy the first positions in the ranking.