/ / What are moderate political views?

What are moderate political views?

Едва ли в современном обществе найдётся человек, who would stand apart from the political events taking place around him, would not show interest in them and would not express his opinion on them. Naturally, any assessment is given depending on personal political convictions or attitudes, by which we mean the person’s point of view on politics, on economic processes, on how the state and society are organized, and what constitutes state laws and state morality. In addition, its role is played by the environment in which a person lives, and the stereotypes existing in it.

Globally political views can be divided intoextreme and moderate. Moderate political views - medium, neutral between the extreme left or right parties. For example, moderate liberals. Since the appearance of such a political party, and it happened in the 10th century, they did not accept harsh judgments and appeals, rejected radical actions based on violence and oppression. For the liberals of that time, the rights and freedom of every individual, every individual, the equality of all classes, regardless of origin, justice and order in relation to everyone, and not to a single handful of society, were valuable. The moderate views of the liberals did not allow them to call on the people for revolution, but only demanded that they give citizens the opportunity to control the activities of the state machine.

With the change of historical eras, liberal positions andbeliefs also changed somewhat. Liberalism of the 20th – 20th centuries considers it necessary to establish equality of opportunity for all citizens. The moderate political views of the liberals are still expressed in the statement of the importance and superiority of private life in comparison with the public and the priority of a citizen over state structures.

Консерватизм как ещё одно политическое worldview can also be moderate. If traditionally conservatives do not recognize any innovations in the field of politics, the existing order, but only a stable state and well-established forms of private property, then conservatives, who have moderate political views, are willing to sacrifice these principles. Closer to the liberals, they recognize the need for some freedoms and the emancipation of the individual, freeing her from the oppressive oppression of age-old traditions. But the civil rights of moderate conservatives of the modern type recognize only strictly within the framework of existing laws. If any changes are permissible, it is also only in accordance with the existing procedures, without destroying or undermining their foundations. In addition, unlike the liberals, the conservatives claim the state’s priority over the citizen and public life over private life.

The political ideology of communism was formedby the middle of the 10th century and it became a kind of alternative direction to both moderately liberal and moderately conservative views. Communist political views, firstly, can be called radical. For the Communists in the first place is the overthrow of the existing existing system, if it is based on class inequality, the oppression of man by man, social and economic injustice. Instead of the old order, the Communists propose the creation of a new society, which should be based on social equality. The main tool for the restructuring of society was to be a social revolution, and the form of government was the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Communist ideology declared battle privateproperty, social inequality. The new society should have been classless, harmoniously combining the interests of the state and the individual, ensuring every citizen freedom and all-round development. In this regard, moderate political views somewhat overlap with the communist. However, they oppose them, since the liberal ideology supports the idea of ​​private property, and the preferred forms of government are different in both directions.

However, in the modern communist movementThere are representatives of moderate direction, protecting the right to private property. In general, at the present stage of development of society, a kind of assimilation of various party programs and political trends is observed. To solve the problems of public life, people resort to ideas that are put forward by various political parties.