Policy structure

Politics is a complex social phenomenon thatemerged 25,000 years ago. Its goal has always been to orient society on the path of development by identifying a common direction that will have a constructive basis. The structure of politics is a complex phenomenon, which includes its main elements and depends on the complexity of the structure of the society in which it is implemented.

For the first time this concept arose in ancient Greece, and it meant the art of government.

Modern understanding of politics is divided into two categories:

  1. Here, politics is represented as a methodmanagement of society. This is a classic scientific understanding of politics. This includes the notion of politics as a way of interrelations between different social groups and segments of the population.
  2. Another conception of it has a more radical color: here, by politics, is understood the struggle between individuals and groups for power.

The abstract perception of the concept lies in itsintangibility, but it is fixed as a social institution with the help of state power and this allows to perceive it as a manifested social phenomenon.

The complex social structure of society implies a complex political structure reigning in it.

Policy Framework: Key Elements

The basic elements of politics are, firstly,turn, political relations, by which are understood the forms of interaction and interrelations of the subjects of politics. For example, domination and subordination: some segments of the population are subordinated to a group of people who are given political power. In modern states, political relations are regulated by law. Among other political relations, the main ones are:

  • Consent.
  • Conflicts.
  • Partnership.

Other elements of politics are power,organization, culture, consciousness. These elements are an integral part of politics, and their quality defines such broad concepts as political, economic and political system.

The essence and structure of politics

Since it is aimed at regulatingpublic and personal relations between people, it has a dual structure that defines its participants: animate subjects and inanimate elements. The latter reveal the action of the former.

Structure of the policy: animate subjects

Such subjects are individuals, socialgroups and strata, as well as organizations that take part in political processes (realize state power or themselves try to influence it).

Also to the animated subjects include varioussocial institutions that are represented by political parties, the media, trade unions and international organizations. Indeed, these social elements take part in the political life of the country, influencing it in one way or another.

Policy structure: Inanimate actors

They are types of relationship betweenpeople, groups and organizations. So, there are institutes that represent the interests of certain groups of the population. They may be public or have a private founder, but the very influence on political life will be provided and therefore the relationship of the organization with the society fits the definition.

It also refers to the expression of an attitude to political phenomena and their analysis. This is mostly carried out by the media.

This concept is also included here, as political consciousness, which in general covers the existence of ideologies, political motives and the psychology of power.

Structure and functions of politics as a social institution:

  1. Ensuring the stability of society.
  2. Mobilization of general activities.
  3. Regulation of social processes.
  4. Political socialization.
  5. Creating guarantees of rights and freedoms.

These functions do not always find realization, but they are the ideal that is achieved in developed countries, and is still ephemeral in the lagging states.