/ / How to enter the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts?

How to enter the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts?

В Санкт-Петербурге существует огромное количество educational institutions. Applicants wishing to work in the creative field in the future choose the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts, which a few years ago changed its status and became an institute. This university appeared a long time ago. She has been conducting educational activities since 1918. During the period of its existence, he made an important contribution to the development of art and culture, prepared a huge number of qualified specialists, many of whom became famous personalities. These advantages of the university attract applicants. What to do here? Consider this process in stages.

Acquaintance with university documents and reviews about it

При поступлении в любой вуз сначала рекомендуется familiarize yourself with the license and certificate of state accreditation. These are very important documents. Without the first document, an educational institution cannot conduct educational activities, and without the second, it cannot issue state diplomas. At the St. Petersburg Institute of Culture, everything is in order with the documents. The license is issued for an indefinite period, and it periodically receives a certificate when it passes the state accreditation procedure.

Reviews of St. Petersburg UniversityCulture and arts are different. Students believe that a lot depends on the chosen faculty. In some structural divisions there is a very high-quality education, decent teachers, and in others there is a disrespectful attitude towards students, a poorly organized educational process.

St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts

Faculty Choice

The very first step in admission is the choicefaculty. St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts (Institute) has 6 main structural units offering higher professional education programs:

  • Library and Information Faculty;
  • Faculty of Information Technology;
  • Faculty of Arts;
  • Faculty of Music Art;
  • Faculty of World Culture;
  • Faculty of social and cultural technologies.

After analyzing the list, you can understand that allfaculties associated with creativity. Some of the structural units are suitable for people who want to develop and demonstrate their talents to the public, others allow them to learn a lot about the modern world and the past.

St. Petersburg University of Art Culture faculties

Choose a specialty

After the selection of faculties in St. PetersburgUniversity of Culture and Arts should decide on a specialty. This should be done in advance, because in each direction there are certain entrance tests that require preparation. There are a lot of offered specialties, therefore making a choice is not easy. When choosing a specialty, you can, of course, take into account the opinions of relatives, friends and acquaintances, but it is best to rely on your desires and talents, because only this way you can find the most suitable and interesting way to your future life.

What specialties does St. Petersburg have?cultural institute? For example, there is “Acting” - a program of higher vocational education offered on a specialty. In this direction, students are preparing for the future performance of roles in theatrical performances, movies, radio programs. At undergraduate entrants are offered the following areas:

  • "Tourism";
  • "History of Art";
  • "Cultural Studies";
  • "Library and information activities";
  • "Choreographic Art";
  • "Socio-cultural activities", etc.

Bulletin of St. Petersburg University of Arts Culture

Entrance tests

One applicants enteringSt. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts, will have to pass 3 exams in the form of EGE, and the others - 4 exams, one or several of which are either creative or professional. The number of entrance tests depends on the areas of training. On specialties that do not involve the use of special skills and talents, there are 3 main examinations in school subjects. For example, for admission to the "Library and Information Activities" will need to pass the literature, the Russian language and social studies, the "Tourism" - history, social studies and Russian language, etc.

And now we will consider creative specialties.On the "Musical and instrumental art" (profile - accordion, bayan and stringed plucked instruments), applicants provide the results of the USE or take exams at the university in the Russian language and literature. In addition, they demonstrate their mastery and pass a musical and practical colloquium. At the “Actor's art” they also pass the Russian language and literature, and acting and performing stage studies are additional entrance examinations.

St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts passing score

Training courses

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation, becausein all specialties in public places a very high passing score at St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts. For example, people could enroll in the “Library and Information Activities” with results from 230 to 266 points, on Design, from 357 to 362, and to Musical Variety Art (pop-jazz singing), from 348 to 359, etc. d.

At the Institute, like most universities, there aretraining courses. Any applicant can enroll in them, if desired, and in the availability of financial opportunities. During the courses, qualified university professors help applicants improve their knowledge of general education subjects and increase the chances of enrollment.

Подготовка к ЕГЭ по русскому языку, литературе, Social Science, History and English begins in the fall and ends in the spring. For each discipline, a program designed for 100 hours has been developed. Education in any of the subjects is 18 thousand rubles.

St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts reviews

Courses in preparation for creative andprofessional tests are conducted in 8 subjects (on the basics of design, choreography, restoration, the basics of photography, acting, film and television directing, directing holidays and theatrical performances, music art). They are designed for a duration of 44 to 144 hours. Courses are held at different times and cost from 19 thousand to 25 thousand rubles.

In preparation for admission recommendedread the "Bulletin of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts." This is a scientific journal, in which there are many useful and interesting articles on cultural studies, art history, and pedagogical sciences. The information presented in it broadens the mind, allows you to study in detail the various historical events.

Visit to the selection committee

Annually in the summer of St. Petersburg InstituteCulture and Arts announces the start of the admission campaign. Schoolchildren in the presence of the results of the exam on the necessary subjects can come to the university on any day of the announced period. You will need to take the necessary documents with you:

  • passport and its copy;
  • original or photocopy of education certificate;
  • photos of 3 * 4 cm.

Graduates of colleges and universities can come toadmission committee without the results of the unified state exam. For this category of applicants, all entrance examinations are conducted within the walls of St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts.