/ / Verb what does it mean? Verb as part of speech

What does the verb signify? A verb as part of a speech

The verb is almost the most used unit of our native language. It is found in texts written in an artistic, scientific, and journalistic style, in colloquial and literary genres.

In this article you will find answers to the questions: “How is a verb characterized?”, “What does it mean?”


Verb meaning

This is an independent representative of our beautiful language. It performs two main tasks:

  1. Speaks about the action performed by the subject, person, phenomenon. For example: ran, jumped, peers, stands, is, eats.
  2. It characterizes a state, a property, a sign, an attitude of an object. Consider an example: sick, blushing, jealous.

You can find out a verb in a sentence by asking the question “what to do?” Or one of its forms (“what am I doing?”, “What was I doing?”, Etc.).

Verb Forms

Past tense verbs

All verbs are divided into four categories:

  1. Initial, it is infinitive.It is formed from the stem of the word by suffixing with "t", "ti", "whose". This form does not vary by person, gender, or number. Makes you know what action is being performed. Able to act in the proposal in any role. It has the features of transitivity and reflexivity. May be characterized as a verb of perfect or imperfect form. Examples: despond, sad, dig, learn, view, love.
  2. Conjugated forms. This group includes any changeable form of the verb, which has constant and non-permanent signs.
  3. Communion - in modern Russian grammar is a special form of the verb. The task of this part of speech is to characterize the feature of an object by action.
  4. The verbal adverb - according to one of the versions, the unchangeable verb form. Some linguists distinguish it as a separate part of speech. The proposal indicates an additional, clarifying action.

Type of Verb

Certain Verbs

Consider the first constant sign describing the verb. What does the word "species" mean for this part of speech?

All verbs can be divided into two large groups: the perfect form (SV) and the imperfect (NSV).

You can find out what type a word belongs to by asking a question to its infinitive. If the verb answers the question "what to do?" - this is the perfect form. If the question "what to do?" - imperfect.

Verbs referring to a perfect mind characterize an action that has reached its logical conclusion. Words from the imperfect group indicate a process that is still ongoing.

The perfect form of the verb in most cases is achieved using the prefixal method.

Time verbs

Present tense

The verbs of the past tense, future and present are distinguished in our native language. Any of them is easily recognized in context with the knowledge of theoretical material.

Past tense verbs describe the actioncompleted to the beginning of speaking. It should be borne in mind that the time in which the story takes place is not always expressed by the present. You may encounter the option of where the future or past tense meet. For example: "I told my mother that I went to the cinema" - or: "He will say that he successfully coped with the task."

Words belonging to the past tense vary by gender, number. Create them in a suffix way, adding “l” to the base of the initial form.

The present tense of the verb is found only inwords referring to the imperfect mind. It is expressed through a personal ending. Characterizes the action that occurs at the time of speaking. It can also perform the following roles:

  1. Characterizes an action that repeats constantly. For example: "The mouth of the river flows into the sea."
  2. Describes the action that takes place regularly. For example: "Every Friday at six o'clock she goes to the dance."
  3. It tells of an event that could potentially happen: "Some guys are rude."

The future form of the verb tells about the event, which will be accomplished only after the moment of speech comes to an end. It can be represented by verbs of both perfect and imperfect form.

There are two forms of future tense:simple and composite. The first is formed by the personal ending of the verb. The second is by adding to the main word the forms of the lexeme “to be” (I will, you will, be, etc.).

Certain verbs of the same tense canused in the meaning of another. For example, the past tense may have in the context the meaning of the present: "That is how it is forever: I have not seen anything, I have not heard anything."

Time refers to the number of non-permanent signs.

Verb Inclination

Future verb form

Inclination is another non-permanent feature.the verb. It expresses the relation of this part of speech to reality. It is divided into three types: indicative, subjunctive, imperative. Each of them has a number of characteristic features.

Verbs relating to the indicative moodrepresent real action occurring in the past, present or future tense. This is the hallmark. Words belonging to other moods cannot be expressed by any time.

Imperative verbs are able to convey a requestorder, wish, advice. They are formed in two ways: using the suffix "and" or by means of zero suffixing. In the plural, the ending "those" appears. Words of the imperative do not change at times.

Subjunctive verbs describe the actionwhich could come to life under a certain set of circumstances. This inclination is formed by adding to the word “in the past tense” particles “would”.

Verb: what does the word "conjugation" mean in its relation?

Conjugation is a permanent symptom. Its essence lies in the change of the verb in faces and numbers. There are only two varieties of conjugation, which are usually denoted by Roman numerals I and II.

To find out to which conjugation the word can be attributed is quite simple if you remember the simple facts:

  1. If the end of the verb is under the stress, then the conjugation of the word is determined by this form. If it is in an unstressed position, then by infinitive.
  2. Verbs that can be defined in the groupfirst conjugations are characterized by the endings “eat”, “eat”, “em”, “eat”, “ut”, “yut”. Related to the second conjugation - “ish”, “it”, “them”, “itite”, “at” or “yat”.
  3. There is a group of verbs with different verbs, the forms of which, when changed, have a part of the endings of one group, and a part of the other. These are the verbs "want" and "run."

In this article we looked at the verb (thatdenotes this part of speech). We got acquainted with some of its permanent and non-permanent signs, gave examples. In the future, it will not be difficult for you to identify the verb in the text and give it a brief description if necessary.