/ / Origin, features of use and meaning of phraseology "the horse did not roll"

The origin, features of use and the meaning of phraseology "the horse did not roll"

The Russian language is rich in stable expressions,the origin of which remains a mystery. The meaning of phraseology "the horse did not roll" does not cause doubts, whereas the history of its appearance still remains the subject of heated debates of linguists. What are the versions that explain the origin of this turn of speech, what is the meaning of it?


The meaning of phraseology "the horse did not roll", as alreadyit was said, is not a secret to anyone. This speech turnover comes to the aid of a person when he wants to talk about a matter that has not even begun yet. The first to use this steady speech circulation were Russian writers who created their works in the 17th century. However, it was only in the middle of the 19th century that the expression took root in the literary language.

the meaning of phraseology the horse did not roll around

The meaning of phraseology "the horse did not roll"is deciphered by Dahlem in his famous dictionary. The scientist defines the meaning of speech turnover as "the matter has not been started." Linguists believe that the popularity of the expression is connected with the colorful image of a rope lying on the ground.

Features of use

Important is not only what it means "the horse is not yetwallowing ". Also interesting are the situations in which this speech turnover is traditionally used, the meaning invested in it. Most often the expression is used by a person who wants to reproach people for not having found time for important work. For example, he can be pronounced by the chief, accusing the subordinate of the fact that he has not yet begun to perform the assigned task.

the horse did not lie the meaning of phraseology

Of course, the speech turnover is used not onlyat the time of reproach, there are other situations in which his utterance is actual. For example, a colorful phraseology can flit in a speech of a man complaining about other difficult tasks for other people, for which he can not do anything.

"The horse did not roll": where did this expression come from

All of the above does not answer the question aboutthe origin of speech turnover. Linguists offer several versions, but none of them has ever been recognized as official. The most popular explanation is a mysterious peasant custom. It is believed that several centuries ago it was decided to let the horse lie around, and only then harness it. Supporters of the version argue that this made it possible to eliminate premature fatigue of the animal.

the horse did not lie the meaning and origin of phraseology

The meaning of phraseology "the horse did not roll" is quitefits into this theory, since the animal falls to the ground before starting work. Nevertheless, it does not correspond to the truth, because before hitching a horse, horse-breeders, on the contrary, diligently clean it. In addition, the beast will hardly take a reclining position, following the wishes of its owner.

Theory of Jerzy Lisowski

Jerzy Lisowski - one of those philologists whorather takes the origin of the speech “horse did not roll”. The meaning of a phraseological unit, if you believe the scientist, suggests that felting refers to the horse's bale. The holing (castration) of a horse makes it possible to turn it into a non-aggressive animal, obedient to the will of the owner.

the meaning of idiom the horse has not yet rolled

And then the "felting"?Horse castration has traditionally been the responsibility of village veterinarians, who did not receive a special education, who poured them on the ground prior to this procedure, necessarily tying their legs together. However, the colleagues of Jerzy Lisowski refuse to take this fantastic version seriously, simply because the operation was performed only once, and did not have a permanent character. Consequently, it can hardly be associated with a still not started business. Moreover, it took some time before the newly-prepared gelding returned to the performance of its duties, immediately after the operation the horse could not be used as a force for panting.

Mokienko's hypothesis

The colleague of Lisovsky Mokienko and at all associates withmagical ritual history of the expression "the horse did not roll." The value of a idiom allows you to use it when describing any case that has not been started, while Mokienko refers to a ritual that took place only when celebrating St. George's Day.

what means still the horse did not roll

What is the essence of ritual?When it was the morning of the infamous St. George of the day, the horse owners allowed them to frolic in the grass. It was believed that a mare bathed in dew gains unprecedented power, becoming much more efficient. Opponents of the theory, as in the case of the Lisovsky version, object that the animals will not obey the will of the owners, and St. George’s day only occurred once a year.

Horses and boots

It's no secret that in Russia neverthere was a lack of such items as felt boots. Natalia Mushkaterova - a historian who believes that these shoes are connected with a steady turnover “the horse did not roll”. The meaning and origin of the idiom really related to felt boots?

the horse did not roll from where this expression

Сторонники теории, доказывающие ее право на existence, they claim that the felting of the felt boots traditionally began with a horse (sock), and not with such parts as the toe or heel. In fact, each product is not the first century lying around entirely, therefore the truth of the version is very doubtful.

Far to dawn

Pagans worshiping a huge number of godsonce practiced a very strange custom. If the owner of the horse was dying, the mare was erected on a funeral pyre along with his body. Of course, the horse was taken before this hammer. Of course, such a ritual could not but cause a suspicious attitude towards the horses among the representatives of the human race. The animal was perceived by pagans as a kind of guide to the next world, even demonic traits were often attributed to it. While bathing in the dew was perceived as a cleansing, which makes the horse no danger to people, it drives away demons.

The ritual was traditionally performed in the early morninglong before dawn. The meaning of the phraseologism “the horse has not yet rolled” is directly connected with this time. Initially, the meaning “far from dawn” was invested in it, but gradually the speech circulation began to be used complaining about work that had not yet begun.

Interesting Facts

What else can be remembered about phraseologism “the horse is not“lying around”, where did this expression come from in our language, because once it was not used? It is not excluded that the colorful speech circulation was borrowed by the inhabitants of Russia from their nearest neighbors. For example, Ukrainians use a similar well-established expression, which in their interpretation sounds like "the cat has not yet married." The Belarusians, who say “the cat did not roll the cat,” do not stand aside either. Whereas the Polish idiom sounds like "still in the forest."

Set expressions that are similar in meaningpresent in the Russian language. For example, instead of mentioning an animal that did not have time to lie on the ground, a person can say a speech “and things are there.”