Okaka - the river, which is the largest tributary of the Volga,it flows through the territory of 7 regions: Orel, Tula, Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, along its channel is a significant number of fairly large cities. The names of some of them even come from the name of the river. Oka, for example, Kashira and Kaluga, and also presumably Kolomna describe the features of the channel Oka in the area, respectively, "Oka wide", "Oka meadow", "Oka broken".
The name itself has many versionsone of them is extremely interesting: according to this hypothesis, the name of the river comes from the ancient Russian "water", and this term was later borrowed by different peoples, reflected in their language. In the example are Latin aqua, French eau, Spanish agua, etc. Historians and philologists even trace the relationship between the words "eye" and "ocean". Pretty curious, is not it?
Okha is a river that takes its source from the centerCentral Russian Upland, after the confluence of the Moscow River, it becomes extremely meandering and remains so until the confluence of the Volga in Nizhny Novgorod, gradually expanding as it approaches it.
At the beginning of the last century, the Oka was a full-fledgedHowever, at present, flights on it are carried out mainly in the spring and early summer, during the spill, in other seasons, not all its sections are sufficient for passing large vessels, therefore officially the river is navigable from Kaluga, transit from Kolomna, from the mouth of the Moskva River. In addition, it has a lot of sites with stony recesses and flutter, which greatly complicates the navigation.
Суда в основном являются круизными лайнерами, because the river flows in very picturesque places, attracting many tourists who want to see what it is - the main river of Ancient Rus, the river Oka. Photos of beautiful species along the coast illustrate the impressions obtained in cruises along it, so it's worth to take a camera with you to capture the beautiful views.
Oka - the river, which is also rich in fish, soit attracts its waters and fishermen. Experienced fishermen especially recommend such places as Serpukhov, Kashira, Kolomna, Ozery, as well as the place where Lopasni flows into it. After Kolomna, when the Moscow River flows into the Oka, its water becomes much more polluted, and the variety of fish sharply decreases.
Nevertheless, the okra - rka, which has a significantrecreational potential, year after year its banks attract tourists from the European part of Russia, there is a large number of boarding houses and holiday homes with beaches, despite a fairly fast flow, the Oka has many places with sandy beaches and shoals, where it is so nice to swim on a hot day . In addition, there are many large and not very cities with a rich history and interesting sights. Tour operators offer both long cruises and short trips that can be made over the weekend.
Some tendency towards shallowing, as well as a decreasethe number of packages offered, bought up long before the start of navigation, suggests that it is better to hurry and make a journey on the Oka, which will be forgotten for a long time.