In Russian there is a concept of many-valuedwords, homonyms. A scythe is one of those words that sound and be written identically, and values can have several. Also there is a polysemy - the presence of the term of several meanings of a general meaning. In this case, for example, you can also consider the meaning of the word "scythe" - a hairstyle and an agricultural implement that have a similar line, namely elongation.
Sandy spit
A sandbar is a land plot thatcuts into a pond: a river, a sea or a lake. It is made of rock, sandy deposits, clay layers. Sometimes a spit is formed under the influence of a volcanic eruption, in this case this formation consists of geological rocks of volcanic origin.
The spit has a wedge shape and a flat relief.A strip of land is often created by currents and winds. Under the influence of these natural forces occurs the washing of rocks, which first form shoals. These sites gradually join the shoreline. The spit can be created artificially, in bulk, as a result of human activity.
Russia has many large rivers and largelakes, washed by three oceans. Such a landscape formation, like a sand bar, is not a rare occurrence. The most famous are the Curonian Spit in the Baltic Sea, the Sudzhuk Spit of the Black Sea, on the Bering Sea - the spit of the Russian cat. Due to their natural beauty, these areas of land are most often used as objects of tourism and recreation.

If we talk about the correct stress in this noun, it is important to know that in the meaning of the "shallow" in the accusative case, the stressed vowel will be -y-: go after the star, see beyond the island.
In the meaning of the "hairstyle" of the shock will be the vowel-O-: remove the cosset, weave the crochet. If a preposition is added, the stress is transferred: pulling the braid.
There is one more meaning of this word.A scythe is a special kind of interlacing of strands, when the hair is laid in a hairdo. Its popularity lies in the possibility of weaving on hair of different length and structure. There are simple types of weaving, in three parts. And there are especially intricate, pretentious laying, the construction of which can take more than one hour.

There is an ancient belief that female energy andspiritual wealth consists of long, well-groomed hair. They should be tightly braided, so that no hair is lost, otherwise you can lose the mysterious power. In the past, women only blossomed hair in special cases, when it was necessary to exert powerful influence on someone.
Hair stitched in the braid was an integral partimage of a Russian girl. Now, in times of emancipation, you can often see loose hair in women. However, the most universal hairdress at all times was considered to be a scythe. Hair, harvested in pigtails, are less exposed to the negative impact of urban ecology.

Spit is a word that is interpreted in several senses. For example, there is an agricultural tool called a scythe.
In this diversity, the greatness of the Russian language, so complex for study, but capacious and colorful, is manifested.