/ / Briefly about the important: explain the meaning of the word "democracy"

Briefly about the important: explain the meaning of the word "democracy"

Perfect Greek word for more thanthe two thousand-year history was filled with the most diverse, often bizarre meanings. How do you explain the meaning of the word "democracy"? It should begin with its original meaning, which the ancient Greeks themselves invested in it.

Democracy - the power of the people

Democracy, usually opposeddictatorship, autocracy and tyranny, is considered today the most progressive form of government, which seeks to reflect the interests of the majority, without detracting, however, the interests of minorities.

explain the meaning of the word democracy

However, it was not always so, because in ancient Greeceit was not customary for people to be called all people, but only full citizens, to whom slaves did not belong. At the same time, women were severely deprived of their rights. Only adult men could vote, while the beautiful half of humanity was able to defend this right only in the turbulent twentieth century. But for two and a half thousand years, the concept has undergone significant positive changes, the fruits of which today can enjoy citizens of the progressive countries of Europe, America and Asia.

Parliamentary democracy

Explain the meaning of the word "democracy."This is a question capable of confusing even experienced jurists, because there are a great many meanings and shades in this concept. For example, in the XlX and XX centuries, not only an independent strong parliament, but also newspapers, magazines, and later television, became an integral part of a democratic society. It is well known that the mass media, to which now the Internet undoubtedly belongs, is called the fourth power, which is not inferior in its value for public peace, judicial, executive and legislative. While parliamentary democracy has become widespread in Europe, transitional forms have emerged in the United States and Russia, characterized by a significant redistribution of power in favor of the head of state - the president.

explain the meaning of the word democracy what form of government

How do you explain the meaning of the word today?"democracy"? What form of government is typical in the modern world? It is worth saying that in the new time there were such political regimes under which democracy became possible not only in republics of various kinds, but also in monarchist states. A striking example is such countries as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the Nordic countries, where, despite the formal primacy of the monarch as head of state, most of the real powers are concentrated in the hands of parliamentarians or members of the government. In Africa, the opposite system has spread. Despite the fact that many countries of this continent are formal republics, power in them is concentrated in the hands of corrupt rulers and members of their families.

explain the meaning of the word democracy what form

Таким образом, отвечая на вопрос о политических regimes in the modern world, first of all, explain the meaning of the word "democracy" in the context of the republican form of government, which is unthinkable without direct competitive elections for a large number of top government posts. But even in the case of the appointment of officials, citizens closely monitor the performance of their official duties and seek to eliminate corruption and conflicts of interest.

Neoliberal component

Using the example of modern states with a highly developed capitalist economy, explain the meaning of the word democracy. What form of control? by state is it characteristic of her?Most modern scholars, both economists and sociologists, agree that it is impossible to do without the direct involvement of citizens in the affairs of government. If citizens withdraw from making important decisions for the country, then with a high degree of probability we can expect usurpation of power by officials, representatives of law enforcement agencies or big business.