Introduction of the latest standards in the systemEducation has led not only to the adjustment of the curriculum, a new list of recommended teaching methods and techniques, but also significantly influenced the amount of necessary documentation that teachers must prepare. One of such innovations has become an obligatory technological map of the lesson on the GEF, the preparation and use of which help the teacher to conduct the lesson as effectively as possible while spending a minimum of effort.
New kind of abstract
Technological map - graphic versiontraditional layout plan. The main impetus to the use of the new format was the adoption of the second generation of the GEF. The authors of the educational standard believe that the use of technological maps helps to work out all the stages of a lesson in as much detail as possible, which makes it easier to check and evaluate the knowledge of children at the end of the lesson.
Technological map of the lesson on GEF helpsto design a lesson, to create its outline graphically. With its help, the lesson is structured according to the parameters chosen by the teacher, such as the stages and goals, the content of the material, the methods used in the lesson, and the methods and forms of work.
The map is made in the form of a table. It is based on such well-known methods as brainstorming and the method of mental maps.
Map structure
Teachers know that any synopsis, beyonddepending on the subject, has a single structure. The same principle underlies the graphic version. Thus, the technological map of the biology lesson of the GEF has the same structure as for any other humanitarian lesson or the exact direction.
Any flow chart begins with a header that is similar to the layout of the outline.
It is followed by a table in which to signthe main elements of the content, divided into stages. After the table, you can also place additional materials - tests, problem solving, used in the lesson schema or table.
Main stages
In technological maps it is necessary to describe in detail the following stages of the lesson:
- Class organization.
- Check homework.
- Actualization of knowledge.
- Introduction to the new material.
- Primary check of the studied.
- Anchorage.
- Application obtained during the occupation of knowledge in practice.
- Generalization and systematization.
- Homework.
- Summarizing.
Note that it is permissible to combine severalstages in one to save time and improve work efficiency. In some cases, it is at all permissible to omit certain items. For example, the technological map of the lesson of the GEF literature may not contain such steps as fixing the material covered, checking the studied, etc. (especially if the lesson is devoted to the study of poetry or the teacher planned to devote all 45 minutes to watching the film adaptation of the novel or story).
It should not be forgotten that, regardless of the type, the necessary steps remain:
- Organizing time.
- Preparation for the study of new material.
- The main stage.
- Summarizing.
- Reflection.
Technological map helps to determine in advanceform of organization of educational activities, that is, to plan which tasks will be performed by students individually, and which will be processed in pairs or small groups.
How to make a map?
When making a flow chart, you must:
- List all operations and their components.
- Describe in detail the activities of students and teachers.
Such a detailed study of the lesson will helpidentify tasks and exercises that are ineffective or too difficult for children to help calculate and distribute the material to each stage of the lesson as accurately as possible. Thanks to this, the teacher may not worry that the students will not have time to complete any tasks or, on the contrary, not think about what to do if they can cope with the tasks much earlier than the call from the lesson is sounded.
For example, you need to conduct a lesson.mathematics. The technological map of the Federal State Educational Standards, compiled by you, will help you choose the most interesting and really necessary tasks, pre-select the form of organization of educational activities, determine the type of test at the end of the lesson.
To create a really useful map, you must perform several actions:
- Determine the topic, its place among other topics in this section.
- Determine the type of lesson.
- Formulate a triune goal.
- Select the main stages of classes, based on the type and type of classes.
- Formulate the goal of each stage.
- Determine the expected results of each of the stages.
- Choose the most successful for the implementation of the form of work.
- Choose the necessary material.
- Allocate for each stage the main type of work for students and teachers.
To compile a lesson map, it is necessary to prepare a template in advance, think over how the technological chart of the lesson will look like. We will present a sample of the GEF below.
Teacher activity according to the map
The main feature of the card is thatthe teacher must calculate in advance and indicate in it exactly what the teacher will do at a particular stage of the lesson. It does not matter what subject you are. The technological map of the lesson of the history of the Federal State Educational Standards and the map of the lesson of geography will be compiled on one universal model.
Mark the activities of the teacher, you can use the following phrases:
- Check the readiness of students.
- Sounding themes and goals.
- Nomination problem.
- Creating an emotional mood.
- The formulation of the task.
- Monitoring the performance of the work.
- Distribution of tasks.
- The organization of the self-test.
- Maintaining conversation.
- Evaluation.
- Conducting dictation.
- Story.
- Summarizing students to conclusions.
The activities of students in the classroom
Students can plan their activities using the following wording:
- Work with a notebook.
- Commenting.
- Reading.
- Writing dictation.
- Selection and citing examples.
- Allocation of the main.
- Conduct analysis.
- The answer to the questions.
- Work with cards.
- Processing rules
- Voicing your own opinions.
- The formulation and voice of questions.
- Self test
Routing Template
For convenience, we offer you a routing template. If you urgently need a technological map of the lesson on the GEF - just fill out this template.
Technological map of the lesson
Thing: ____________________________
Class: _______________________________
Lesson number: _________________________
Theme: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Purpose: educational, developmental, educational:
Type of lesson: ____________________________
Basic terms and concepts of the lesson: _______
Interdisciplinary communication: __________________
Equipment: _________________________
Forms of work: _________________________
Lesson epigraph: _________________________
During the classes
Stage | ||||
Time | ||||
goal | ||||
Educational content | ||||
Methods and techniques | ||||
FOOD | ||||
Teacher activity | ||||
Student activities | ||||
Intermediate control | ||||
Equipment | ||||
Notes |
Additional materials for the lesson: ________
The main types of food
In one of the columns of our tableThe form of the organization of educational activity (FOOD) is indicated. When creating a map, it is advisable to pay attention to this item and indicate in what form the guys will work on the decision of a particular task.
There are four main forms of organization of educational activities:
- frontal;
- individual processing of tasks;
- work in pairs;
- work in small or large groups.
Technological map of the lesson on GEF isA detailed graphic outline of the lesson, with which you can carefully plan the work not only of the teacher, but of the students in the classroom. The map describes in detail each stage of the lesson, provides not only material and tasks for implementation, but also indicates the time allotted for one or another stage of work, its main purpose, describes the actions of not only the teacher, but also the students.
Thanks to the use of a technological card, the teacher will be prepared for the lesson as much as possible and will be able to give significantly more knowledge to his students.