/ / How to find the test word: tips for schoolchildren and their parents

How to find a test word: tips for schoolchildren and their parents

An important task in teaching the Russian languageis the formation of a child's skills literate and correct writing. To do this, students are encouraged to learn the rules, to perform certain exercises. In some cases, to write correctly, it is enough just to pick up a test word. But the child should remember the algorithm of this operation, as well as cases when it can be applied.

So, in spelling there is a rule regardingunstressed vowel at the root. In order to determine which letter should be spelled, the student must select such a single-word word so that the accent on the sound being checked falls. An example is such simple cases as "cats - a cat." It should be noted here that the test word must be not only single-root, but also close in lexical meaning.

In Russian there are homophones.These words have the same pronunciation, but different lexical meanings. For example, homophones will "reconcile" and "try on." In the first case, the verb is derived from the noun "world" (to reconcile comrades), and in the second - from "measure" (to try on clothes). Therefore, selecting the test word, it is necessary to take into account its meaning.

check word

The school program includes not only simple ones.cases, but also more complex, when there is alternation in the root. An example is the word "absorb." It is checked by the noun "throat". Children need to explain the essence of the process of alternation, and how it occurs. Also an example is taming. The test word in this case will be "meek" or "meekness." Here it is important to acquaint the child with the lexical meaning, and also to show similar cases (simplify, etc.).

tame the check word

Check word to unstressed sound is not alwayscan pick up. There are exceptions, the spelling of which is influenced by the historical patterns of language development. Schoolchildren are encouraged to just remember them. Usually they are included in the dictionaries that are available in textbooks.

There are situations where the rule is applied wrong.just as it seems. For example, it is often difficult for children to write the word "gray". The test word in this case can be taken as "Sed", however, it has practically gone out of use, and can be found only in some literary works. In addition, you can take the diminutive "gray-haired", which is also quite rare in speech.

gray test word

In order to teach students to pickcheck word according to this rule, it is recommended to use a specific algorithm. You can take those that are offered by the authors of the curriculum programs, or compose with the students themselves (in the latter case, the best memorization effect is noted).

An example is the following algorithm.First, the spelling is highlighted. Next, single-root words are selected (at the beginning of the same part of speech, if not, then another). It is concluded whether it is possible to check the unstressed sound in this way. If yes - we write correctly, otherwise - we turn to the dictionary.

Constantly fixing the rules and exercises aimed at this are the basis of success and one more step towards mastering a letter.