/ / H and HH in participles and verbal adjectives

H and NN in participles and verbal adjectives

One of the most difficult topics of the Russian languagegrammatical point of view is the participle. In particular, the most difficult part to understand is the spelling of "n" and "nn" in participles. For a start, let's look at the main aspects of this part of speech.

What is a "participle"?

The participle has some of the features of the verb andadjective. Its main purpose is to designate signs of an action, i.e. answer the question “what?”, “What?”, “What?”, “What?”. From the verb of the participle grammatical signs remained in the form:

  1. Perfect view - dormant (what to do?- nap), imperfect - jumped off (what to do? - jump off). It should be noted that it is the type that largely determines the spelling of "n" and "nn" in participles - we pay special attention to this feature;
  2. Present (singing, described) and past tense (singer, described);
  3. Returns and irrevocables.
Verification work on the topic of n and nn in participles and verb adjectives

From the adjective of the participle:

  1. Gender, number, case;
  2. Brief and complete form.

Besides this, participles, like adjectives,may be valid (which describe the actions of a particular person, for example) and suffering (which denote an action to which a person is subject to someone or something).

Let us, before we understand the spelling "n" and "nn" in participles, pay attention to another part of speech.

What is a verbal adjective?

Very often participles are confused with verbal adjectives, and therefore they make mistakes in spelling. To avoid this, when defining a part of speech, note that these are adjectives:

  1. Usually formed from an imperfect speciesverbs, and participles, respectively, from the perfect. For example, compare: burnt (burn - what to do?) And abandoned (quit - what to do?). Consider also a number of exceptions, which, despite the appearance of the verb, are verbal adjectives. For example: the coveted, unexpected, unexpected, unprecedented, done, sacred, and others (more about grammatical aspects, including exceptions related to the correct use of "n" and "nn" in adjectives and participles, will be discussed below).
  2. They do not have prefixes (except for the prefix "not"), while the participles may be with prefixes. For example, fried and refried.
  3. Unlike participles, verbal adjectives are used without dependent words. For example, dried herbs and sun-dried herbs.
textbook on spelling n and nn in participles

As can be understood from the above material,the spelling of the letters n extends to adjectives, which are presented as verbal. The participles with "n" and "nn" have a completely different character of origin, and, accordingly, obey other grammatical rules.

When should I write in the participles one "n"?

The spelling of "n" and "nn" in participles are governed by certain rules. So, to begin with, let's deal with writing one letter "n".

We write it in participles when:

  • The passive participle is brief. It should be borne in mind that they are used in grammatical constructions with: infinitive - it intends to respond at the blackboard; with the addition - sure of the answer.
  • The participle is derived from the verb without the prefix: frozen berry. Exceptions: the prefix "not" (unfrozen vegetables).

When should I write two "n" in participles?

Probably, you already understood that the theoryaffecting the "n" and "nn" in the participles, not so difficult, if it is understood in detail. We now turn to the spelling of the two letters "n". They should be written if we encounter the past passive participle, expressed in full form, and:

  • Formed from verbs with prefix.For example, connected (to connect, "with" - prefix), unfinished, corrected. Exception: verbal adjectives that have lost their connection with the participle, which are well-established phrases, for example: only a goner could act so cruelly.
  • Having dependent words: broken (by whom?) White bicycle, koshenny (when?) Lawn yesterday.
  • Formed from non-verbally perfect verbs: detached (detached), executed (executed). Exceptions: smart, named.
  • We also write "nn" when the sacrament is formedsuffixes "o", "e", "iro" ("va"): (stuffed, milled, glazed, and so on). Exception: c one "n": chewed; c "nn": welcome, unintentional and others.

We have finished to understand the rules of writing "n" and "nn" in the participles, we now turn to the verbal adjective.

Records on the spelling lesson n and nn in participles

When should I write in the verbal adjectives one "n"?

Do not rush if you do not understand the first part aboutparticiples. Proceed to the study of verbal adjectives only when you are sure that you have learned the previous material well, since the correct use of "n" and "nn" in participles and verbal adjectives requires reflection and understanding.

So, we write one letter in:

  • adjectives formed from verbs with prefixes and having a short form: jacket worn (worn jacket), jeans are worn (worn jeans);
  • adjectives (besprivavochnogo origin), formed from the imperfective verb type - mad pace (enrage), boiled chicken (cook);
  • adjectives that have no dependent words: a painted fence (but a painted worker fence is a participle), a loaded car (but a box loaded car).
homework for n and n in participles

Отметим, что правописание причастий и verbal adjectives are governed not only grammatical, but also semantic aspects. For example, in such phrases as: baked bath and baked milk.

In the first case, we are dealing with a participle, soas the bath was “heated”, that is, there is a direct link with the verb, in the second case “baked” means the quality of the object, that is, the word is directly connected with the adjective. After conducting such a semantic analysis, the question of choosing "n" and "nn" in adjectives and participles is easily solved.

When should I write two “n” in verb adjectives?

Such a spelling is characteristic of short adjectives and implies that we observe the same number of "n" as we see in full form. For example, a scattered grandmother - a grandmother is scattered.

It should be noted that in briefwe cannot replace verbal adjectives with a verb, whereas short participles can: children are inattentive and absent-minded (we cannot replace them with a verb), leaves are scattered by the wind (wind has scattered leaves).

After a long study of the topic, n and nn in adjectives and participles

В данной статье мы рассмотрели различные аспекты spelling "n" and "nn" in participles and verbal adjectives. We hope the article was useful, and you will no longer make grammatical errors.