"Potassium bromide" is a therapeutic sedativea drug designed to intensify the processes of inhibition that occur in the cerebral cortex. The international name of the drug is Potassium bromide. But formed by the name of the therapeutic substance - potassium bromide.
Medication balances excitation and inhibitionin the brain, has some sedative effect during epileptic seizures. The action of the medicine on the body depends on the personal perception of the substance, the characteristics of the nervous system, its type. That's why the drug "Potassium bromide" can not be bought without a prescription: the doctor must choose the dosage for a particular patient.
The drug is available in solutions or tablets,take which is recommended some time before meals. Usually adults are prescribed up to four grams per day at regular intervals, and children from 0.05 g for babies to half a gram for adolescents. When choosing a dosage, the doctor should be guided not only by the state of the patient's nervous system, but also by his health and even weight.
In case of an overdose of a lethal drugThere is no impact, but so-called "bromism" may occur. This condition is characterized by the appearance of cough, rhinitis, rash. With a strong overdose, strong inhibition, a sharp slowdown in mental processes, drowsiness and lethargy are possible.
However, sometimes side effects occur without an overdose. Some patients may have allergic manifestations: itching, stomach pain, diarrhea.
To get rid of unwanted side effects, stop taking the medication. The occurrence of a cough or other side effects should be reported to the doctor.
Patients taking and doctors appointingpreparation "Potassium bromide", we must remember that parenteral administration of it is unacceptable. Subcutaneous or intravenous injections contribute to inhibition of K + heart muscle molecules. Therefore, the drug is taken only through the mouth.
The medicine "Potassium bromide" irritatesmucous, so during the course of treatment you should regularly rinse your mouth, brush more often than usual, teeth, take a bath. It is also important to monitor the systematic evacuation of the intestine.
There are some types of drugs,incompatible with the reception of potassium bromide. For example, it can not be used simultaneously with ophthalmic yellow ointment. Mercury can form on the mucous eye.
With caution, you need to combine the intake of potassium bromide and barbiturates: the drug enhances the effect of the latter.
It is necessary to limit the amount of salt in the food at the time of the course of treatment.
Who is recommended this drug?
People suffering from neuroses, neurasthenia, orhysteria. It helps with the initial degree of insomnia, irritable conditions, primary forms of hypertension. Often the drug is prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment of chorea and epilepsy.
The drug is not always prescribed in a "pure" form.Sometimes it works more efficiently in a complex, so some patients are recommended taking a medicine called Adonis-Brom. This drug enhances the sedative effect of potassium bromide, has a noticeable diastolic effect, normalizes the tone of the vagus nerve.
The intake of potassium bromide in the complex in other substances contributes to getting rid of autonomic dystonia, anxious states, reducing the number and strength of panic attacks.
The drug is contraindicated in patients with bradycardia,allergic people suffering from angina pectoris or Adams-Stokes-Morgagni syndrome, in which fainting is often caused by abrupt cardiac output and cerebral ischemia. Potassium bromide should not be taken by people with personal intolerance to bromine.