/ / "Adonis-bromine" - indications for use

"Adonis-bromine" - indications for use

Adonis Bromine is a sedative drugdrug, it is based on the extract of adonis, in the people it is called adonis and potassium bromide. The use of this drug has a sedative and cardiotonic effect, the drug also has a diuretic effect.

"Adonis-bromine" is used during treatment.central nervous system, as well as various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Indications for its use are neurotic disorders, circulatory disorders, insomnia, and increased irritability.

Thanks to the use of "Adonis-bromine" occursnormalization of blood circulation and chronic forms of circulatory failure are not allowed. Since the drug tones the vagus nerve, it normalizes the heart rate. Treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia is carried out with the use of "Adonis-bromine" together with other drugs.

The specified drug has a diuretic effect, inconnection with this eliminates the swelling that occurs during violations of the cardiovascular system. Adonis Brom is also recommended for prevention of the development and onset of diseases of the nervous system.

"Adonis-bromine" - instructions for use

The drug is available in tablets, daily dosedrug should not be more than 5 pieces. If the drug is taken as a prophylactic measure, it is necessary to use 2-3 tablets. Complete removal of Adonis bromine from the body occurs two days after taking the last pill. During the use of this drug must follow a strict diet.

Application "Adonis-bromine" in some casesmay cause side effects. With long-term use of tablets, excessive depression of the nervous system may occur. This will be expressed in the appearance of drowsiness, lethargy, inhibition of reactions, general weakness and inhibition of physical activity.

It is also possible disruption of the digestive system in the form of vomiting and nausea, this side effect may be due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

If you allow a significant overdosethen serious disturbances in the heart rhythm are possible, which can even lead to cardiac arrest Also, with very long-term use of the drug, there is a gradual accumulation of toxic substances in the human body, and this must be taken into account when conducting a long course of treatment.

Contraindications when taking the drug "Adonis Brom"

The use of this drug is not carried out withthe presence of human abnormalities in the development of the heart, if it has the wrong size, as well as any congenital heart disease. It is not recommended to take the drug in violation of cardiac conduction and arrhythmias. Self-admission "Adonis-bromine" is not recommended, and it is necessary to start its use only after the appointment of a qualified doctor.

The drug is suitable for use throughout the year from the date of issue and its use is permitted in conjunction with dietary supplements and vitamins.

"Adonis-brom" - reviews

Some patients indicate that takingThis drug may cause some loss of appetite, but this should by no means lead to a rejection of regular meals. Also, patients who used the specified drug, note the fact that the maximum effect is achieved when using "Adonis-bromine" together with foods that contain a lot of potassium. These are foods such as dried apricots, apricots, black currants, fresh fruit juices, baked potatoes, parsley, cucumbers, beans, cabbage, grapefruit. Also, when using this medication, it is recommended to minimize the use of salt both in its pure form and during the preparation of various dishes.