/ / Image of the garden in the play "The Cherry Orchard" by Chekhov

The image of the garden in the play "The Cherry Orchard" by Chekhov

The image of the garden in the play "The Cherry Orchard" is ambiguous andis complex. This is not just a part of the manor Ranevskaya and Gaev, as it may seem at first glance. Chekhov did not write about this. The Cherry Orchard is a symbol image. It means the beauty of Russian nature and the lives of the people who raised it and admired it. Together with the destruction of the garden, this life also perishes.

image of a garden in a play cherry orchard

Center uniting characters

The image of the garden in the play "The Cherry Orchard" iscenter around which all the characters are united. At first it may seem that these are only old friends and relatives who gathered by chance on the estate to solve everyday problems. However, it is not. Anton Pavlovich is no coincidence that the characters are united, representing different social groups and age categories. Their task is to decide the fate of not only the garden, but also their own.

Contact Gaev and Ranevskaya with the estate

Ranevskaya and Gaev - Russian landlords whoown the estate and cherry orchard. This brother and sister, they are sensitive, intelligent, educated people. They are able to appreciate beauty, they feel it very subtly. Therefore, the image of a cherry orchard is so dear to them. In the perception of the heroes of the play "The Cherry Orchard," he personifies beauty. However, these characters are inert, because of which they can not do anything to save what is dear to them. Ranevskaya and Gaev with all his spiritual wealth and development are deprived of responsibility, practicality and a sense of reality. Therefore, they can not take care not only of loved ones, but also about themselves. These heroes do not want to listen to Lopakhin’s advice and lease the land they own, although this would bring them a decent income. They believe that summer cottages and gardeners - it went.

image of a cherry orchard in the perception of the heroes of the play The Cherry Orchard

Why is the estate so dear to Gayev and Ranevskaya?

Gaev and Ranevskaya can not lease landbecause of the feelings connecting them with the estate. They have a special relationship with the garden, which for them is like a living person. Much binds these heroes to their homestead. The cherry orchard seems to them the personification of a bygone youth, past life. Ranevskaya compared her life with a "cold winter" and a "dark, rainy autumn". When the landowner returned to the estate, she again felt happy and young.

The ratio of Lopakhin to the cherry orchard

The image of the garden in the play "The Cherry Orchard" is revealed andin relation to him Lopakhin. This hero does not share the feelings of Ranevskaya and Gaev. He considers their behavior illogical and strange. This man wonders why they do not want to listen to the seemingly obvious arguments that will help find a way out of the predicament. It should be noted that Lopakhin is also able to appreciate beauty. Cherry Orchard delights this hero. He believes that there is nothing more beautiful than him in the world.

However, Lopakhin is a practical and active person.Unlike Ranevskaya and Gaev, he cannot only admire the cherry orchard and regret it. This hero seeks to do something to save him. Lopakhin sincerely wishes to help Ranevskaya and Gaev. He never ceases to convince them that both the land and the cherry orchard should be rented. This should be done as soon as possible, as the auction will be soon. However, landlords do not want to listen to him. Leonid Andreevich can only swear that the estate will never be sold. He says he will not allow the auction.

image of a cherry orchard in the understanding of the heroes of the play The Cherry Orchard

New garden owner

Nevertheless, the auction still took place.The owner of the estate was Lopakhin, who could not believe his own happiness. After all, his father and grandfather worked here, "were slaves," even they were not allowed into the kitchen. Buying a property for Lopakhin becomes a symbol of his success. This is a well-deserved reward for many years of work. The hero would like his grandfather and father to rise from the grave and be able to rejoice with him, to see how their descendant has succeeded in life.

Negative qualities of Lopakhin

Cherry Orchard for Lopakhin - this is just the land.It can be bought, mortgaged or sold. This hero in his joy did not consider himself obliged to show a sense of tact in relation to the former owners of the purchased manor. Lopakhin immediately began to cut down the garden. He did not want to wait for the departure of the former owners of the estate. Yasha's heartless lackey is somewhat like him. It completely lacks such qualities as attachment to the place where he was born and grew up, love of mother, kindness. In this regard, Yash is the complete opposite of Firs, a servant who has these feelings unusually developed.

image of a cherry orchard play in a cherry orchard

Attitude to the garden servant Firs

Revealing the image of the garden in the play "The Cherry Orchard",it is necessary to say a few words about how Firs, the oldest of all in the house, treated him. For many years he devotedly served his masters. This man sincerely loves Gaeva and Ranevskaya. He is ready to protect these heroes from all troubles. It can be said that Firs is the only one of all the characters in The Cherry Orchard, endowed with such quality as devotion. This is a very solid nature, which is manifested in its entirety in relation to the garden to the servant. For Firs, the estate of Ranevskaya and Gaev is a family nest. He seeks to protect him, as well as its inhabitants.

Representatives of the new generation

The image of a cherry orchard in the play "The Cherry Orchard" roadsonly to those heroes who have important memories associated with it. The representative of the new generation in the play of Chekhov is Petya Trofimov. The fate of the garden does not interest him at all. Peter declares: "We are above love." He thereby admits that he is not capable of experiencing serious feelings. Trofimov looks at all too superficially. He does not know the real life that he is trying to remake, based on false ideas. Anya and Peter externally happy. They crave a new life, for which they strive to break with the past. For these heroes, the garden is “all of Russia,” and not a particular cherry orchard. But is it possible to love the whole world without loving your own home? Petya and Anya are losing their roots in the pursuit of new horizons. Mutual understanding between Trofimov and Ranevskaya is impossible. For Petit, there are no memories, no past, and Ranevskaya deeply experiences the loss of the estate, since she was born here, her ancestors also lived here, and she sincerely loves the estate.

image of a cherry orchard in the play of Chekhov's cherry orchard

Who will save the garden?

The image of a cherry orchard in the play "The Cherry Orchard"we have already noted, is a symbol of beauty. Save it can only people who can not just appreciate it, but also to fight for it. Active and energetic people, replacing the nobility, refer to beauty only as a source of profit. What will happen to her, who will save her?

The image of a cherry orchard in the play of Chekhov "The Cherrygarden "is a symbol of the hearth and the past, dear to the heart. Can you safely go forward if there is a knock on the back of an ax that destroys everything that was previously holy? It should be noted that the cherry orchard is also a symbol of goodness. expressions such as “hitting an tree with an ax”, “trampling a flower” and “cutting down roots” sound inhuman and blasphemous.

So, we briefly reviewed the image of a cherry orchardin the understanding of the heroes of the play "The Cherry Orchard". Reflecting on the actions and characters of the works of Chekhov, we also reflect on the fate of Russia. After all, it is for all of us "cherry orchard".