/ / University. Plekhanova: student reviews

University. Plekhanova: student reviews

The craving for knowledge is inherent in many people.Every year, such individuals graduate from schools and begin to look for suitable universities. The attention of many is attracted by such an educational organization as the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Reviews about this institution are both positive and negative. What are the advantages and disadvantages of students and graduates of the university?

Brief information about the university

The prerequisites for the creation of the university appeared inthe beginning of the XX century, when commercial courses were opened in Moscow. Their goal was to train teachers in several disciplines. In 1907, the courses were transformed into a commercial institution. This is the founding date of the existing university. Later he received the name of a famous historian, public figure, philosopher. We are talking about a man like G.V. Plekhanov.

plekhanova reviews

Reviews of the modern RSEU indicate that inCurrently, the university is a large educational institution operating in Moscow. It has 26 branches in our country and abroad. About 50 thousand people are currently studying at higher professional education programs. In the RSEU there are still areas for training mid-level specialists. They teach more than 8 thousand students.

Housing Condition

On the comfort of the premises in whichtraining is being carried out, Plekhanov University pays special attention. Student reviews contain information such as a modern interior, the availability of the necessary new equipment. These are the characteristics inherent in the RSEU. It is also worth noting that 3 buildings are monuments of culture and history:

  • The first academic building was created at the beginning of the XIX century according to the project of A.U. Zelenko. At first This building housed the Men's Commercial College. During the Great Patriotic War, there was a headquarters and base for the formation of the 17th division of the national militia.
  • The second academic building was erected by project C.U. Soloviev. It used to be the building of the Moscow Commercial Institute. In 1917, it served as an arena for fights between students supporting the Provisional Government and the Red Guards.

reu im plekhanova reviews

  • The third academic building was built according to the project of N. L.Shevyakova at the beginning of the last century. The building was later the Women's Commercial School. During the First World War, there was a hospital for soldiers of the Russian army.

University Faculty Assessment

The university has over 14 facultiesPlekhanov. The reviews indicate that each applicant can choose for their life path the structural unit they like and the most suitable training direction or specialty for their mentality and abilities. Below is a list of university departments:

  • business school of entrepreneurship and marketing;
  • management faculty;
  • f-tet marketing;
  • Institute of Socio-Economic Design and Management;
  • Faculty of Law and Economics;
  • Faculty of Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematical Economics;
  • International School of World Economy and Business;
  • Faculty of tourism, sports and hotel and restaurant industry;
  • Integral School of Business;
  • Faculty of Commodity Science and Trade Economics;
  • financial f-tet;
  • faculty of distance education;
  • e-learning faculty;
  • Faculty of Continuing Professional Education.

Plekhanov University reviews

At all listed faculties, i.e.as a whole throughout the university, there are 22 areas of study at the undergraduate program (over 49 profiles), and 14 directions at the master's program (over 75 programs). All professions offered are relevant. The specialists graduated from the university are needed by many enterprises. Therefore, graduates during employment do not turn out to be unclaimed. They quickly get a job.

University teaching staff

Approximately 110 years functioning RSEU namedPlekhanov. Throughout this time, he provided students with quality education and continues to do so at present. Useful and relevant knowledge, the necessary practical skills they have received and are now receiving thanks to teachers.

Highly qualified professionals alwaysattracted the university Plekhanov. Reviews reflect this information. Students are satisfied with the teachers. According to students, they are strict and demanding, but this is considered an undoubted plus. Students, not wanting to get negative grades, come prepared for classes, together with teachers strive to understand complex tasks and issues.

The quality of the educational process

From how well builteducational process, depends on the depth of students' knowledge, the rate of assimilation of new information. In the Russian State University of Economics, everything is very well thought out. Plekhanov University has no problems with the quality of the educational process. Testimonials indicate that the institution is introducing the most modern teaching methods, experimenting with innovative technologies and new equipment.

plekhanov reviews

So that students can improveforeign language and to expand their knowledge in the chosen field, the educational institution has developed double and triple diploma programs. Students who choose them participate in exchange programs, study abroad at certain universities that are partners of the Russian State University of Economics. Studying abroad is not paid extra. Students bear only those expenses that are associated with obtaining a foreign passport and visa, travel and accommodation.

Benefits for applicants and students

RSEU is a state university, thereforeannually it confirms the number of budget places. It depends on the areas of preparation. In the most popular and prestigious specialties, budget places are either not available or are available in very small numbers.

University students on budgetplaces, pays scholarships named after Plekhanov University. The reviews also contain information that the institution provides financial assistance. This is a one-time allowance, which is given to needy people in full-time department once every 6 months. The main reasons for providing financial assistance:

  • difficult financial situation;
  • the birth of a baby;
  • loss of breadwinner;
  • the presence of disability.

Plekhanov faculty reviews

An important issue for some students ishousing. For its solution, the university built dormitories. In total there are 3 comfortable buildings. To obtain the right to reside, you must fill out the appropriate application and submit it to the department of social work.

Demand for graduates

Employers are aware of the merits of Moscowhigh school. Many of them are happy to host young professionals graduated from Plekhanov University. Reviews of former students about employment are written in a positive way. Graduates of past years quickly found work, held fairly good starting positions and began to build a career. Many of them now hold leading positions in the economic and political sphere, in business and science.

Confirmation of the relevance of graduatesserve not only reviews, but also the corresponding rating, which was compiled on the basis of requests from employers. In it, the Russian Economic University takes 5th place among other prestigious higher educational institutions of our country.

student life

Being a student is quite difficult, but it’s veryinteresting in the REU named after Plekhanov. The reviews show that in the educational institution, each applicant who enters can reveal their talents and abilities, find something interesting for themselves. For example, some decide to become part of the student council. This is a self-government body in a university that makes the life of students more diverse.

Plekhanova student reviews

The House of Culture "Congress Center" is another place that allows students to find themselves in the work. All classes that are held here are completely free. The structure of the recreation center has:

  • club for students interested in instrumental music;
  • literary association;
  • guitar club;
  • theater team;
  • vocal studio.

University sports life

RGEU in recent years has been actively developing inareas of physical education and sports. Thanks to this, he offers a varied pastime outside school hours. In the university you can engage in ballroom and modern dancing, yoga, aerobics, Pilates, fitness, swimming. Among the games students are offered table tennis, Russian billiards, streetball. Those who wish can sign up for mixed martial arts, boxing, wrestling, fist fights.

Sports life is organized at the university by a student sports club. It was created not so long ago. The club was founded in the spring of 2010. His goals are:

  • in sporting events;
  • the formation of teams that could compete in competitions at various levels;
  • organization of the process of healing students.

Negative reviews about the university

Positive feedback on the Russian economicPlekhanov University are not the only ones. Negative comments also exist. In them, students and graduates write about corruption, that it is impossible to pass exams and tests at the Russian State University of Economics without giving bribes. However, such reviews are often refuted by other students. Those students who are satisfied with everything note that they took all the subjects on their own and never offered teachers money. Especially at the surrender they did not “fill up”. Teachers objectively assessed the knowledge of students.

Plekhanov University reviews

In terms of negative feedback, studentscomplain about some teachers. According to students, certain individuals are not at all interested in future specialists gaining the necessary knowledge. Such teachers conduct classes not interesting. They do not explain practical examples; they read their lectures from paper.

Conclusions on the activities of the RSEU

If you analyze the existing about REU them.Plekhanov reviews, it can be concluded that there are much more positive aspects. Many students do not regret admission to the Russian State Economic University. They are glad that they were part of a large team.

Each faculty of Plekhanov receives reviewspositive thanks to many years of experience in training specialists for important areas of modern life (for entrepreneurship, business, trading, accounting, management and marketing, merchandising, etc.). The knowledge gained allows graduates to work in such large companies as Gazprom, Rosneft, Sberbank, VTB, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, etc.