/ Representatives of the plant kingdom: examples and features of the structure

Representatives of the plant kingdom: examples and features of the structure

In our article representativeskingdom of plants. Examples (class 3 considers this topic in the course of the surrounding world), these common organisms are known to everyone from childhood. However, not everyone remembers the rather complex classification of representatives of a given systematic unit.

Representatives of the plant kingdom: examples and features of the structure

Plants have a number of distinctivesigns. The first and foremost of these is the type of pithinia. All plant organisms are autotrophs. They are able to synthesize glucose and oxygen independently. This process is called photosynthesis. It occurs on the inner surface of permanent cellular structures, which are called chloroplasts.

However, different systematic groups of organismsessentially differ from each other. Examples of representatives of the kingdoms of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and viruses once again confirm this. Let's look at systematic groups based on specific species.

representatives of the plant kingdom examples

Chlamydomonas and kelp

These are typical representatives of the plant kingdom.Examples of these can also be supplemented with chlorella, spirogyro, ulotriksom, ulva. All of them are representatives of algae. These are the very first plants, which have a rather primitive structure. They are represented by mono-, multicellular and colonial organisms. The body of the algae is called the thallus. It consists of individual cells that do not combine into tissues. The function of the roots is carried out by specialized entities called rhizoids. These plants are called inferior.

representatives of the kingdom of plants.

Mosses and ferns

The following representatives continue the group of higher educationkingdom of plants. Examples of them, except for mosses and ferns, are horsetails and plaunts. They are already higher plants, the body of which consists of real tissues and organs. In the life cycle of these organisms there is a change of generations - sexual and asexual.

Consider this process using the example of moss, one of thethe most common species of which is the kukushkin flax. In its life cycle, the gametophyte predominates. It is a green leaf-weed plant with rhizoids. Their totality looks like a green carpet. As it develops, sexual cells form on it. They merge, and as a result, a sexless generation of moss is formed on the gametophyte. It looks like a box on a thin stalk. There are disputes in it. They are cells of asexual reproduction. Getting into the soil, they sprout, again forming a green gametophyte carpet.

The rest of the higher spore plants have a sporophyte in their life cycle. Anatomically, it is not associated with the sexual generation and develops separately.

examples of representatives of the kingdoms of plants of animal fungi

Spruce and Pine

And here are all the well-known representativeskingdom of plants. Examples (class 3 studies songs, tales and riddles about them) gymnosperms are often found in various literary works, so they are familiar to everyone from childhood.

Spruce and Pine are the most typicalrepresentatives of this systematic unit. This list can be continued with fir, thuja, cycad, yew, juniper, cypress. All of them represent the Department of Gymnosperms. Their common features are the absence of flowers, and hence of fruits. The seeds of these plants develop on the scales of cones naked, openly. Hence they are called a systematic unit. The vast majority of them have thin leaves, which are called pine needles. They do not fall in the cold season, as their stomata are sealed with resin for the winter, which prevents the evaporation of water. The exception is only larch, which periodically changes its "green outfit."

Gymnosperms are represented by a plant with the mostlarge leaves that reach a length of 2 meters. This Velvichia is amazing, which grows in the African deserts. And the trunk of this plant is hidden under the ground, and on the surface are only two large sheets.

examples of representatives of the kingdoms of plants

Apple and wheat

And here are the most common representativeskingdom of plants. Examples of them can be listed endlessly. Apple tree, plum, pepper, potatoes, nightshade, rye, wheat, rose, chamomile ... In total, the Department of Angiosperms has more than 250 thousand species. They achieved the dominant position thanks to the presence of the flower and the fruit. In the latter, seeds develop. It is the fetus that is a reliable protection against cold, mechanical damage, a source of water and nutrients.

The Department of Angiosperms includes 2 classes:single- and dicotyledonous. The former have a single cotyledon in the seed embryo, a fibrous root system, simple linear leaves. In Dicotyledons in the seed of the seed there are two cotyledons, their root system is pivotal, and the cambium develops in the stem.

In our article, we examined examples of representatives of the kingdoms of plants. The main groups are the lower (algae) and higher, which can be spore and seed.