/ / How with the help of didactic games with preschool children are studied wild-growing meadow plants

As with the help of didactic games with preschoolers, wild-growing meadow plants

Plants in the meadows and forests are the most activegrow and blossom in the summer when classes with preschool children are not held. Therefore, wild plants can be studied by children or by observation together with their parents during a visit to the park and the forest, or thanks to the didactic games that are held during the school year in a pre-school institution. Educators lay the foundation of knowledge, train correct pronunciation of plant names, as well as the ability to distinguish between meadow plants, medicinal herbs, endangered species of flowers.

In the methodical study of each kindergartenmust be stored herbarium flowers meadows, fields and forests. They are replenished and updated annually, so that teachers can freely use them during the school year. Didactic games are conducted both with dry plants, and with cards of lotto, on which they are depicted as close as possible to their real forms.

  1. Draw a flower.Children are offered illustrations on which wild-growing meadow plants are depicted in half. You need to finish their second half, correctly choosing the shade of color, displaying the shape of the leaves, stem, flower in accordance with the drawn form. After that, children gather in groups with the same kinds of flowers, that is, they form bouquets.
  2. Floral clearings.In the music hall hoops are arranged - in them "meadow flowers" grow, the names of which are familiar to children. This is chamomile, buttercup, bell, cornflower, Ivan-tea, etc. The number of colors in the hoop should be within the first ten: 6 bells, 8 chamomiles or 10 buttercups. To the music, children, depicting insects, "fly" in the meadow, but with the end of its sound must take place in the house with flowers. The tutor specifies, in whose house they got, how many flowers there grow. If children attend the junior or middle group of kindergarten, then the number of colors can be reduced: 2 cornflowers, 3 chamomiles, 5 dandelions, etc.
  3. Learn from the smell.The educator offers the children to smell dried wild plants (and their smell only increases if they are stored in cloth bags). Children remember the smell and name of plants, and then try to guess them with their eyes closed. It is better to pick up herbs and flowers with a strong smell (valerian, melissa, clover, dandelion).
  4. Collect medicinal plants.On the table are cards with a picture of different herbs and flowers. Children are invited to collect useful plants for Aibolit in the basket, from which you can prepare a medicine: St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain, nettle, mother-and-stepmother. You can give tasks to collect primroses, garden flowers or flowering berry plants.
  5. Red plant book.Children can make small books themselves, in which they will sketch or paste illustrations depicting wild plants listed in the Red Book. In the game, children can exchange books and find those of the herbs or flowers that grow in the meadow, in the forest, call them: lily of the valley, valerian.
  6. Find the plant by the sound.The educator calls the sound, and the children choose cards featuring plants that have such a sound in their name. The preschooler must say in which part of the word there is this sound: in the beginning, in the middle or in the end. The teacher selects the correctly selected card in an envelope with the appropriate sound. The game continues until all the cards are in their envelopes.

Didactic games with preschoolers canto be conducted during classes, preparation of projects on a given topic, in their spare time, and also as part of additional classes on ecology, in the process of entertainment and celebrations. Parents can be familiarized with the requirements for conducting games in order to consolidate the knowledge of preschool children at home.