/ / Concept and essence of the state

The concept and essence of the state

Any political system includesthe central institution is the state. This is a special form of political power that exists in society. It has a certain sovereignty. The state uses a whole system of special organs for management. Considering the concept and essence of the state, it is necessary to note the differences in these values.

The notion of the state implieshe signs or signs of the processes taking place in his structures. Unlike this definition, the essence means deeper properties and signs that are not realized by the senses.

The concept and essence of the state followsto consider more thoroughly. For a long time there were arguments about their interpretation. According to the theory of Marxism, states are a tool for creating dominance in the political sphere, which has one or another class. Therefore, the concept and essence were defined as the overwhelming factor of one ruling class by another.

Experience has shown that such suppression took place over a long period. This is due to the fact that society can not provide all its members with equal opportunities and benefits.

There was another version, which considered the concept and essence of the state as an organization for implementing common plans.

The main features of the state are:

- The presence of public authority, whichexists separately from society. It manifests itself in the formation of specialized enforcement institutions. This power extends throughout the country and the entire population. Public authority includes the police, the army, prisons, officials and other organizations.

- Presence of a system of taxes, taxes and loans.

- Independence or sovereignty.

- Legal legislation, without which the state can not exist. It defines the framework within which the functions of the state are carried out.

- Monopoly on the use of force and other typesphysical coercion. The state or its bodies have the right to deprive citizens of certain values, freedom, life, if it corresponds to the current legislation.

- The obligation to represent society as a whole, to protect its interests and benefits.

The notion of public administration, in itsmaterial expression, is valid throughout its territory. The state has the supreme power, which extends only within its borders. It determines the nature of its relations with other countries that do not have the right to interfere in each other's internal affairs.

Independence of the state does not depend on the size of the territories and the size of its population.

For the state, the legitimacy of power is an important sign. This means its fairness.

The essence of public administration can be expressed in several ways.

1. It exists for the realization of common economic interests, and especially the interests of the ruling class.

2. Fulfillment of the interests of all social strata, which is based on the principles of compromises.

3. The existence of the state for the fulfillment of the interests of the nation.

4. Fulfillment of the interests of religions represented in this state.

5. The existence of a state in the name of the interests of a particular race, which is represented on its territory.

The concept and essence of the state, as well as itsstructure, are a system that has been formed over a long period. Approach to its classification can be from different points of view. You can consider its internal structure, the system of higher authorities, territorial division, as well as ways of exercising power.

Depending on the specifics of the interaction of the state with society, one of its characteristics manifests itself in one way or another.