/ / History of the city of Volgograd and its attractions

History of Volgograd and its attractions

By the end of the 16th century, the Volga River became one ofmain transport routes for Russia. And the steppe borders were increasingly attacked by foreign invaders. In this regard, there is an urgent need to protect these objects. That is why in 1589, by decree of Ivan the Terrible, the city of Tsaritsyn was founded on the banks of the Tsaritsa River, which today is called Volgograd.


Thus began the history of the city of Volgograd. It is impossible to briefly present it, because during the existence of a large number of significant historical events occurred in these places.

The wooden fortress of Tsaritsyn became part ofMuscovy, defending the Russian state on the southern border. Many attacks had to be defended by his defenders. Basically, she tried to break through Turkey, sending soldiers of the Crimean Horde to the borders of Russia.

Volgograd city history for children
The history of the city of Volgograd contains a lotevents associated with raids, riots and destruction. In particular, in 1667 Stepan Razin at the head of his squad, holding the way to the Caspian Sea, passed through Tsaritsyn. Already in the XVIII century (1707) a bloody uprising of the peasants led by the Cossack Bulavin occurred. And 10 years later, the Crimean Tatars and other steppe peoples, one after another, organized raids on the city. As a result, Tsaritsyn was severely destroyed.

На восстановление потребовалось три года.Now, to protect the fortress, a 60-kilometer fortification line was built, which included a deep ditch and a guard shaft. Its height was more than 12 meters. These structures have become a reliable protection for several centuries. Even now, having gone outside the city, one can contemplate the surviving remains of an ancient fortress.

История города Волгограда, построенного на месте the intersection of several important trade routes associated with the name of Alexander II. He issued a decree according to which the best specialists of the Russian state were to begin designing the Volga-Don railway. Construction was completed in the XIX century. Then a large number of new factories and plants appeared in the city, churches were built. That is, there was a significant development of infrastructure.

The cultural heritage of those times has been preserved to this day. Walking through the streets of the city, you can admire the stately merchant houses, temples and monuments.


As already mentioned, Tsaritsyn is a modern Volgograd. The history of the name of the city, however, does not end there.

1917 and the revolution that occurred at that timethe present Volgograd has already met as a city of the working proletariat. But in the course of it was destroyed by the White Guards, becoming ruins. After the victory of the Bolsheviks, the city was quickly restored by common efforts.

The history of the city of Volgograd made a new round,when in 1925 Tsaritsyn became Stalingrad. A few years later, the first Soviet tractor factory was built there, as well as the shipyard. During the Great Patriotic War, the defense of Stalingrad lasted 200 days. Soviet warriors did not spare their lives defending their homeland. In 1943, the Nazi troops were defeated, but the city was completely destroyed, turning into a pile of ruins.

Volgograd history of the name of the city
These places forever preserve the memory of the fallen soldiers, forcing them to reflect on their immortal feats.

At the end of the war, Stalingrad was restoredvery long, and only in the 50s he began to have a pristine appearance. Now it looked like a pre-war southern city, filled with bright sunlight. The history of the city of Volgograd has forever absorbed the bitterness of the losses of thousands of families who lost their fathers, husbands and sons in the defense of Stalingrad.

Over the past five years, a large number of new houses, schools, institutes have been built; restored most of the factories and plants.


The modern history of the city of Volgograd began on November 10, 1961, when it acquired its present name.

Now it is a city of a million, in which a huge number of attractions and places of memory.

С 8 мая 1965 года Волгоград – город-герой.Its history is full of many tragic events, despite which the people with dignity chose from difficult situations, each time restoring their hometown from the ruins. Today Volgograd is an important strategic, socio-economic and cultural center of the south of Russia with a lot of attractions.

Fallen Fighters Square

It is not by chance that Volgograd is a hero city. The history of the construction of the main attraction - the Square of Fallen Fighters is directly related to the courage and heroism of its inhabitants.

In the center of the square is the famouspoplar, which has important historical significance. This tree survived the battle of Stalingrad, becoming a symbol of the resilience of the Soviet people. On the trunk of a poplar a lot of damage resulting from the fighting. Here is the Eternal Flame and a monument to the hero of the USSR Ruben Ibarruri.

Volgograd city hero story

Avenue of Heroes

Эта поистине памятная аллея располагается в the center of Volgograd, near the Square of Fallen Fighters. Along it are the steles with the names of 127 heroes who died and went missing in the battle for Stalingrad. All of them were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. On nearby houses you can see models of numerous awards (orders and medals), which was awarded this city-hero.

history of the city of Volgograd briefly
Creating an alley dates back to 1954.She always keeps the memory of the heroes who put their lives in a grueling fierce battle for the city. The alley is decorated with architectural monuments built during the reign of Stalin.

Soldier field

This is another attraction locatedin the Volgograd region, associated with the feat of Soviet soldiers. It was here that the fiercest battles of the Battle of Stalingrad took place, as a result of which several thousand young soldiers were killed. The area of ​​the Soldatsky field is more than 400 hectares.

When the war ended, the field remainedmined Only at the end of 1974 the mine clearance work was completed. The number of defused shells reached 6.5 thousand. And on September 20, 1975, the Soldier Field Memorial Complex was opened there, designed by sculptors A. Krivolapov and L. Levin. There is a mass grave in this complex, in which there is an urn with the ashes of fallen soldiers, the remains of which were discovered in the process of demining. The central part of the memorial is occupied by a funnel, filled with parts of shells found here, mines, grenades. A little distance away is a sculpture of a little girl clutching a flower in her hands. And next you can see the triangle of the army letter, made of marble. The words from Major Petrakov’s daughter are engraved on it. He was one of those who defended Volgograd. The history of the city for the children of war has become a truly own life story. Tears of mothers, the roar of shells, the sound of the steps of the postman who brought the funeral settled forever in their minds.

history of the city of Volgograd
The city of Volgograd, whose history and sights are part of the cultural and spiritual national heritage, and now is a symbol of fortitude, courage and courage of the Russian people.