/ / Universal Values: examples (grade 4). Science, physical culture and sport in the system of universal values

Human values: examples (grade 4). Science, physical culture and sport in the system of universal values

Вопросы, затрагиваемые в этом материале, вроде бы obvious and simple seem at first glance. But first of all, adults are forced to think, whose task is to convey to the younger generation in a simple and understandable form the truth that they themselves forget about in the whirlpool of life. Children of a certain age can appreciate and understand the life around them. Pupils of the 4th grade with examples of common human values, given in an accessible form, belong to this age group.

human values ​​examples

General concept

Universal Values ​​- TheoreticallyThere is a certain system of moral norms, the content of which is not related to a temporary historical period. Given the fact that today there is a close communication between representatives of all cultures and nationalities, the existence of a universal system of values ​​is simply necessary.

Life as a value

Today, society has reached that level of development.in terms of technology that mutual destruction is possible. The existing system of universal values ​​may or must be a kind of deterrent barrier between nations.

The most important and first points in this system should be the life of a person. It is an untouchable fact, an attempt on a person’s life is unacceptable.

Давайте приведем пример общечеловеческой ценности - life. A man was born. At birth, everyone has great potential and inexhaustible resources. But everyone decides for himself how to dispose of the resources given to him. One person is a master: from a pile of iron, he will create something valuable and necessary, for example, a car. Another, for example, a surgeon, who for many years can save many lives. Due to the knowledge and skills that he acquired, due to their natural resources.

The third example is a drinker and nowhereworking, at birth had the same resources and the same potential, but did not use them. On the basis of the above example, such universal human value as life is the main and incommensurable value in the world. And no matter what profession or age, or health of any person, everyone should know and understand the fact that the life of any person is not of comparable value.

universal values ​​examples 4 class

Health value

Health also applies to this system.person: every person in modern society has the right to preserve their health, has the right to treatment. Without good health, it’s almost impossible to build a chain of other values ​​for a person.

Worldwide, in every country the development of the systemHealth is considered an important step. Hospitals, clinics, motels, hospitals: everything is created to maintain and, which is also important, control over human health. Here, let us give an example of universal human value - health. We often wish each other good health. So it was led from generation to generation. After all, having good health, a person will be able to overcome all the difficulties of life, and if it is necessary, then go through serious overload.

The right to education. The value of education as a value

We continue our story about humanvalues, example 4 class can serve the right to education. It can certainly be attributed to this system. Today this stage is for a person in a world where he can take his place, benefit society, get benefits for himself and, most importantly, for his loved ones.

physical culture and sport in the system of universal values

Family as the main value of a person

Семья. Семь «я».The most important human value, an example can be any family, be it the family of a friend, neighbor, classmate. If you look around you can notice that they are different: funny and noisy, strict and conservative, complete and incomplete.

Family and family values ​​are two branches,who tightly intertwined with each other. These values ​​for each person are presented in the form of a long-long list, which proves the importance and necessity of the existence of a family. This is love: mothers to their child, between spouses, caring for the older generation.

Family and family values ​​are important and necessary.to any person, like a root for a mighty oak, whose strength and power will run out if the root is damaged or ill. So with the family. Let the moments described above serve as examples of common human values.

examples of common human values

Science in the value system

Science in the system of universal valuesoccupies a leading position. Today, there is an environmental threat to our planet, of which, of course, man himself is to blame. Ecosystems undergo interference in their structure, but it is the development of science that is the cause. This is a situation on the one hand.

On the other hand, the development of science has erected thatthe world in which we live. An example is the discoveries made on the basis of research by physicists, chemists, mathematicians, astrologers, gave impetus to the further development of mankind in various fields.

Conventionally, the influence of science can be divided intounconscious formation of an understanding of the world as a whole, and conscious, which is formed in a person under the influence of society, that is, society. The general educational system of upbringing, self-education can be attributed to this fact. Unconscious formation implies a fact, as the natural essence of man, that is, at birth, each of us has already laid, as they say, “human essence”, curiosity, the desire to learn something new for ourselves. And no matter in what field of activity this will occur, the fact that this mechanism starts working again and again is important. This is what distinguishes man from animal.

common cultural values ​​examples

Physical Culture and sport. Their place in this case

Physical culture and sport in the systemuniversal values ​​occupy an important and significant position. They are aimed at improving human health, also at developing physical and moral-volitional abilities, all of which together lead to the development of a strong and harmonious personality.

Sport is a human culturalthe history of development itself can serve as an example of this: these are olympiads, competitions, and historically formed sports. The value of physical culture and sports is great and is formed in several directions:

  • First, under the influence of these factors is the formation of a person as a person.
  • Secondly, he himself, in the process of playing sports, contributes to its development, reveals or improves sports.
  • Thirdly, it contributes to the development of the society as a whole.

examples of common human values ​​photo

Literature in a person's life

The emergence and formation of the literature itself fromCentury in the century proves the fact that it is the most important value for humanity. Literature touches the soul of a person, it helps to reveal and understand all its depth, its dark and light sides, makes us wonder why some events took place that way, what it is connected with, what could be if a person acted differently.

Answers to all these questions can be obtained from books.Any book, any work can serve as proof of that. An example of universal human values ​​from literature is the work “A Word about Igor's Regiment ...”, which describes the service to its Homeland, its defense, the life of the main characters is devoted to a lofty idea. In addition, an example is the loyalty and tenderness of Russian wives in this work, which, in turn, is also an example of the universal human value of the family. A family that gives a person the strength, the desire to create.

Let's give one more example from the classicliterature on the work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Ionich". It describes the life of a young man whose desire was to serve society, to be useful, but love was a turning point in his life. He fell in love with a beautiful young girl who did not reciprocate. The main character made her a marriage proposal, and in return received only ridicule. No, he did not die, he did not get sick, but he lost that interest in life, the very light that gave him the desire to live an interesting full life died out. And over time, he was flabby, addicted to gambling, and his existence became empty and meaningless.

The author on the example of his hero wanted to show thatthe loss of such universal human values ​​as love and family brought the protagonist into a dead end. Let this experience also serve as an example for the younger generation: you can’t stop in life if some kind of trouble has happened, you should always go forward to your dream, you should always try to implement your plans. After all, if you get something, then the reward for yourself will not keep you waiting for a long time - feelings of self-esteem and satisfaction from life will be your guarantee. Here is an example of human values ​​was given by the author.

human values ​​examples from literature


In conclusion, once again I would like to notethe importance of moral guidelines for today for each person individually, and for society as a whole. Photos of examples of universal values ​​are presented in this article.

I would like to pay tribute to the masters of their craft,their work can also be an example for us, which they introduce into the general concept of universal human values. After all, the contemplation of the beautiful - a reminder that it is all there, around you, take care and love, give yourself, learn - learn with pleasure, learn every day, let it be one step, but let it be done.