The article tells about what a muzzle is, what values this word has, and how to correctly stress it.
Variety of language
In any language that is alive,developing, and people speak it, sooner or later there are words that have several meanings at once. And they are used in different situations, when the situation itself or the intonation with accents change partially or completely their meaning. For example, the word "language" can mean a lot: it is an organ in the person's mouth, and some kind of oval stretched area or platform, and means of oral communication, and even a prisoner of war, who in the long term can tell a lot of important data.
There are many similar words in the Russian language, and one of them is a muzzle. So what is a muzzle? What is called this word, how correctly to put stress in it? In this we will understand.
The word is partly considered obsolete, since in our time, when it is mentioned most often immediately think of volcanoes. But first things first.

The vent also refers to the front openingFirearms, for example guns. Such a word is used usually in situations where it is necessary to emphasize the tension of the situation, and, if I may say so, the hostility of the instrument itself. So now we know what a muzzle is.
Also, the vent can be called a narrow anda long hole, for example, a pipe or something else. Including the word "muzzle", as the name of the hole of the furnace, is found in Maxim Gorky's book "Childhood".

But most often this word is used forrelation to volcanoes. So what is a muzzle in this case? This hole at the top of an active or extinguished volcano, which serves as an outlet for igneous formations, ash and other substances during its eruption. Its diameter varies greatly depending on the activity inside the mountain, the eruptive force and their frequency.
Many words completely change their meaning;them to rearrange accents. The most striking example of this is zamok and zamok. As you can see, a slight intonation greatly changed the meaning of this word. But it also happens that the stress for some reason, initially or gradually, begins to change, and as a result, people mostly pronounce it wrong, and even do not know about it. Well, in the word "muzzle" stress should be put on the last letter - Zherlo. But in the plural it's still right to say the hell.
So now we know what a muzzle is, we have analyzed the meaning of this word.