/ / Ancient world: where was China?

Ancient world: where was China?

Ancient China is one of the great ancient civilizations. Where was China? Where are the roots of this power? What are its features? This is the story in the article.

Antique China

The history of the Ancient World states that China isFor thousands of years it was the strongest state in the world. Archaeological excavations along the Yellow River prove that this is the area where this civilization was born. Data from the village of Anyang speak of the formation of the first Chinese state in the 17th century BC. Speaking about where China was, it is necessary to clarify that the Yangtze River valley also harbors artifacts of this period. From this moment the history of the Shang dynasty begins.

where was China
Shan-yin people were stronger and more majesticneighboring, so the state of Shan-yin quickly spread across the central territory of modern China. For example, the Chinese province of Henan stores archeological monuments of 5-7 millennia, including Yanshao and Dahe. Henan and became the capital of the later Chinese state of Zhou, which existed until the 3rd century BC.

The Yellow River is the place where Ancient China is located. Zhou spread to the whole river basin. On the western lands of the Huang He Valley, the Qin inheritance was created. Later it became the center of unification of China.

Previously scattered territory was united by the EmpireQin, which existed before the 2nd century BC. For this period it is necessary to build the Great Wall of China. Emperor Shihuandi drove the Hun of the north, expanded the country, but his rule was cruel and harsh.

where is the country of china

One of the strongest is the Han Empire (up to 2century of our era). This period is associated with the development of the ideology of Confucianism. The borders of the state are expanding, right up to the Indochina Peninsula and the Pamirs. Since the 1st century, Buddhism has penetrated into China.

China: a new era

The epoch of the state of Jin is marked by revelrybarbarity and cruelty in the territory where China was located. This is due primarily to the invasion of nomadic peoples from the north, who enslaved the Chinese people. This led to a decline in culture and economy. Many Chinese, including know, moved to the south, here they have cultivated rice and reeds.

For several centuries it was restored afterbarbarous invasion. The emperors tried to unite the country. But by the 10th century the country again began to experience the onslaught from the north. And in the 13th century there was a foray of the Mongols, who occupied China for a long period. This led to the decline of the economy, the inhibition of culture. The secret movement, created on the territory where China was, freed the country from the Mongols. Later European development was hampered by European colonists, Japanese, world wars.

China Today

In today's world, China is the largeststate in the world. The whole planet knows where China is located. After all, it is one of the most developed and strongest countries with a leading indicator of the population. The advanced achievements of science, a great culture, an uncommon philosophy. Within this country are Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, which are important centers of the world economy.

Features of Chinese culture

The culture of China is amazing and unrepeatable.

where is ancient china
Here there were great philosophical doctrines of Taoismand Confucianism. Here, for millennia, unique Chinese music was formed, which absorbed the musical traditions of all Asia. The great achievement of Chinese culture are crafts. Stone-cutting, woodworking, jewelry, town-planning. In the territory where China was, the Dragon cult originated. He was reflected in Chinese painting, theater, literature. In China, the Dragon is annually honored. In the Dragon Boat Festival, which meets the summer, there are massive competitions on boats, theatrical performances and the traditional reverence for the dragon.