/ / How many heroes lay on the embrasure breasts

How many heroes lay on the breach of breasts

In modern Russian, commoncommon word stamps, which have become such due to frequent use. “Mamaya devastation” is called a mess in the house, “ice battle” - the victory of our hockey team, “Mongol-Tatar yoke” - oppressed position of a henpecked husband, “like a Swede near Poltava” - about someone's extremely difficult situation. Each of these formulations arose for historical reasons, although not everyone who uses them knows about for what reason. The popular expression “covered the embrasure with breasts” is applied to those who could make a decisive contribution to the success of a business, disregarding personal interests and not paying attention to obstacles, and sometimes a threat to their own interests, of course, in a figurative sense.

Breast on embrasure

This phrase has come into use.recently. The case was near Pskov, where in February 1943, the Soviet army led heavy offensive battles, acting against the German army group "North". Of the three German pillboxes, two were suppressed, the third held out stubbornly. Alexander Matrosov, an ordinary 2nd battalion of the 91st Separate Siberian Brigade named after Stalin, managed to get close to him from the flank of the closest and threw two grenades into the weapon room. The machine gun was silent, but after a short time the enemy fire was resumed, apparently, one of the shooters survived. Then the Sailors laid down their breasts on the embrasure and at the cost of their own lives enabled the advancing battalion to continue the attack for several minutes, which turned out to be precious.

Breast on the embrasure photo

Герой был посмертно удостоен звания Героя The Soviet Union, and his exploit was actively used by military propaganda to raise morale and as an example to follow. Many prints, from front-end sheets to the central press, colorfully described exactly how the Sailors threw themselves at the embrasure. Photos of a simple Russian soldier was replicated. The date of the heroic deed was postponed from February 29 to February 23, as if it was timed to the day of the Soviet Army. The last words that Alexander cried out while lying on the embrasure were not ignored. Of course, without mentioning his own party, his beloved Soviet homeland and the name of Stalin, this feat could not be accomplished. It turned out that it was preceded by a rather long, ideologically balanced speech.

covered the embrasure

In the postwar years, Alexander Matrosov, along withNikolai Gastello, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Viktor Talalikhin and other heroes who sacrificed their lives in the name of Victory, entered the official historiography of the Great Patriotic War. How it all happened in reality and what words he shouted, rushing to the embrasure, no one figured it out. Usually, everything that often repeats itself gradually becomes the undisputed truth.

Однако люди, воевавшие и имевшие опыт прорыва fortified positions of the enemy, sometimes in private conversations expressed cautious doubts about the effectiveness of such a method of suppressing firing points. Hypothetically, you can block the line of fire with your own body, but you need to act very carefully in order to fall exactly as the situation requires. Again, the defending enemy can push the corpse with a barrel of a machine gun. In general, a lot of inconsistencies. There were even opinions that Matrosov did not want to lie down on the embrasure, but simply fell in front of her, trying to hit the enemy with more realistic means, for example, with the same grenades. For many decades, it was risky to express such considerations, as well as to question the entire official version of Soviet historical science.

Собственно, то, о чем думал в момент гибели Alexander Matrosov, does not matter much. Another thing is important. He was in any case a true hero, like all Soviet soldiers who fell in battle or returned from war. And until 1943, and after it, more than two dozen such feats were only officially recorded, but the names of those who committed them are not well known. The biography of Alexander Matrosov was quite suitable for military propaganda, and his simple Russian name was memorized more easily than, for example, the name of Geray Latif ogly Asadov, who also closed the embrasure with his body.

Eternal glory to the fallen defenders of the Motherland!