/ / How to express breast milk by hand: recommendations

How to express breast milk by hand: recommendations

In order for your newborn baby to be full, andMommy's breast milk arrived and there was enough of it, you need to be able to decant But this process often causes difficulties. Let's figure out when to express breast milk.

When should a mother get rid of excess milk?

1. Before each breastfeeding, because the first drops of liquid will clean the mother's nipple, it will become wet, soft and more pliable.

2. After the child eats, because it is necessary to completely release the breast from the remnants, thereby giving space for the newly-present flow.

3. If the child is born weak or premature, as a result, it is difficult for him to eat himself. In this case, give the mother's milk during feeding with a bottle or spoon.

how much to express breast milk

4. When the mother feels unwell. In this case, you should not put the child to the breast, but you should feed the milk.

5. In the case of nursing mother cracks in the nipple.

6. To prevent mastopathy during a period of strong lactation. Or, as they say, a woman must be “naked”.

Many women, after reading the first paragraph, immediatelyexclaim: "Yes, but how to express breast milk with your hands?" Now is the 21st century, and there are many different breastpumps. Yes, of course, there is, but its use is not always convenient. Breast pump is very useful and will facilitate your “exercises” with the breast, if you are going to start work, and continue to feed the baby. In the case of the daily release of a small amount of milk better and easier to do it with your hands.

How to free the glands from milk?

So, how to express breast milk with your hands:

1. First, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water before each procedure.

2Breast can be washed with soap and water in the morning and evening (if you use a cream or ointment during the day, it is better to remove the product with a cotton pad), for the rest of the time, lubricate with a few drops of milk.

3. Calm down and relax so that the milk stands out well.

4. Massage gently, then put a warm towel or diaper on the relaxed chest.

5. Sitting in a comfortable position, lean forward slightly.

when to express breast milk

6. It is necessary to put the index finger and thumb on the areola of the nipple so that the palm takes the form of a boat and is located above the nipple.

7. Press your fingers in the direction of the chest, very carefully put them together, slide your hand, and a jet of jelly will appear.

8. Before starting the actions yourself, in the maternity hospital, you should ask the nurse to help in order to learn the basics of how to express breast milk with your hands.

9. It is necessary to express both breasts every 3 hours.


Having read some information on how to properlyexpress breast milk with your hands, you theoretically mastered the first steps. Many doctors recommend that pregnant women learn to do this before birth. This is necessary both for obtaining the skills of decanting from mummy and for preparing the mammary gland for the appearance of milk.

how much to express breast milk

Before you finish the pumping conversation,Consider another point. How long does it take to express breast milk? Each mom can answer this question, knowing that every three hours a child should take 100-150 grams of food.