/ / Functional management structure

Functional management structure

Functional management structure -a set of units, for each of which a specific task and responsibilities are defined. Within this structure, each governing body, as well as the executor, has a specialization in the performance of certain managerial functions. Thus, the company creates a specific apparatus of specialists who are responsible for only one area of ​​work.

functional management structure
The functional management structure in itsThe basis contains the principle of full management, and the implementation of orders of this body within its competence is mandatory for the units. And the general issues at the enterprise are solved collectively.

The functional management structure has the following advantages:

- high level of competence of specialists who are responsible for performing certain functions;

- narrow specialization of the unit, focused on the implementation of a certain type of management activity, which contributes to the absence of duplication of functions of individual services;

- the empowerment of linear managers in terms of production management due to their exemption from other special issues.

staff management structure
With all the listed advantages, the functional management structure has several disadvantages, the main of which are listed below:

- in connection with the implementation of the principle of full management, the principle of unity of command is violated;

- significant duration of the decision-making procedure;

- difficulty in maintaining close relationships between individual functional services;

- each functional manager and division put in the first place their own questions, not fully coordinated with the goals set for the company.

The staff is one of the most complex objects.management in the organization, since it is he who has the ability to make decisions and assess the requirements for him from a critical point of view. Also, the staff is very sensitive to any managerial influences to which the reaction cannot be unambiguously determined.

brigade management structure
The HRM structure representsis a combination of methods, techniques and technologies for organizing work with personnel. There are various ways to build it, the choice of which depends on the model of a particular enterprise and its organizational structure.

The basis of the management structure isorganization of work on certain working groups. The brigade structure of management is a rather ancient organizational form (for example, working artels). Its main principles are:

- work teams in offline mode;

- decision making is carried out by working groups independently with horizontal coordination of activities;

- Replacement of flexible ties with flexible connections;

- the use of knowledge and experience in the development, the solution of some problems of specialists from other departments.