/ / "Their name is legion": the meaning of phraseology, its origin

"Their name is legion": the meaning of phraseology, its origin

Russian language is famous for speech, meaningwhich is difficult to understand without having a dictionary at hand. Let's say, where did the winged expression "Their name - legion" come from? The meaning of phraseology can hardly be understood without knowing the history of its appearance in the Russian language. So, where did he come from and how to use it correctly in colloquial and written speech?

What is the legion?

What is the meaning of the winged phrase "Their name -legion"? The meaning of phraseology is easier to understand, figuring out the meaning of the word "legion". Not everyone knows that it was inherited from the ancient Romans, it appeared before the onset of our era. Indeed, it was in ancient Rome that a large military unit was called a legion. The number of such units could be about three to four thousand soldiers. There were also very large legions, which had up to ten thousand soldiers.

their name is legion of the meaning of phraseology

And here the phraseological phrase "The name of them -legion"? The meaning of phraseology is still unclear. However, the word "legion" gradually began to be used not only to designate army units. People began to use it in colloquial and written speech, implying a myriad of things. And most often it was used in a negative way.

"The name is legion": the meaning of phraseology, its origin

With the word "legion" everything is clear, but where fromthe expression that is considered in this article? There is a biblical parable that can not be ignored, telling what the expression "Their name is - legion" means. The meaning of phraseology is directly related to this legend, passed down from generation to generation.

name to them is the legion of the meaning of phraseology what is

This is the story of a man who lived in the ancientThe state, located on the eastern shore of Lake Galilee. This man was possessed by demons. Those who met him, did not doubt that he had lost his mind. Once this man met Jesus and the disciples following him. The Savior asked his name, to which he received the answer: "My name is legion." The unfortunate implied that thousands of demons had moved into him, which can not be listed by name, since their name is legion.

Of course, the good Jesus decided to help the possessedman and cast out demons forever. However, they begged him to let them settle in pigs that grazed nearby. The Savior allowed them to do this, after which the whole herd rushed from the cliff to the sea and found its death in the water. A disciple of Christ assures that there were about two thousand drowned pigs.

What does phraseology mean?

Now it no longer seems an insoluble mysterythe origin of the mysterious speech turnover "Their name is Legion". The meaning of phraseology is the expression "an incalculable number," as it was in the days of Ancient Rome.

name to them is the legion of the meaning of phraseology what it is

Of course, this stable design canbe used not only in relation to the impure force. It can be used always when it is about something, which is very much, and not just for counting the demons that have taken possession of the human body. Quite often an expression comes to the rescue, when a person wants to say that something is too much, in this case negative meaning is put into it.

In literary works

How to remember the history of the origin of expression"Name them - Legion", the value phraseologism? What is this "a myriad of"? Meaning speech turnover can permanently deposited in storage due to the examples borrowed from the literature. For example, a writer Ivan Goncharov in his work "Open" using this catch phrase. One of the heroes of another accuses that artists such as it is - a great variety, using the idiom before us.

their name is legion the meaning of the phraseological expression

In what other works does expression"Is he a legion?" The meaning of phraseology (what is a legion - we already know) is better remembered if you refer to the collection of critical articles by Dostoevsky. Fedor Mikhailovich uses this bright turn of speech when he complains about the huge number of imitators trying to copy Gogol's style. The author claims that a myriad of plays have been published, which are but a miserable parody of the famous "Inspector".

Synonyms and antonyms

So, now it is clear where it came from and whenThe expression "Name is legion" is used. The meaning of phraseology is well known, so you can choose synonyms for it. There are many speech streams that can be replaced without any loss of meaning. For example, you can use winged expressions "above the head", "above the roof". Perfectly fit in meaning and stable designs "to put nowhere", "there is no number", "as stars in the sky". Of course, you can use simple words, for example, "full", "set".

Obviously, it's easy to pick up the antonyms: "little", "little", "a little bit" and so on.