/ / Glaciers of Russia: list and photo. Mountain glaciers of Russia

Glaciers of Russia: list and photo. Mountain glaciers of Russia

Important to replenish all the rivers of the worldplay glaciers. 16 million square meters. km - their total area is about 11% of all land. They contain huge reserves of fresh water. In Russia, a huge number of them, an area of ​​about 60 thousand square meters. km Glaciers of Russia are divided into two types, according to the method of their formation:

  • Coverslips.This is the vast majority of all glacial systems in the country. These include the ice of Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya and other islands of the Arctic. The average thickness on the islands in the Arctic Ocean is from 100 to 300 meters. They store huge reserves of fresh water.
  • Mountain glaciers of Russia.Their share in the total area is only 5%. These are the glacial accumulations of the mountain ranges of the Caucasus, the Urals, and Kamchatka. For their formation it is necessary that two conditions be fulfilled: negative air temperatures and a large amount of precipitation. Often, if it often rains in the mountains, they are accompanied by warm weather.

A variety of glaciers

There are many classifications of glaciers, including mountain ones. What kind of them can be found in our country?

  • Snow spots. Accumulation of snow in gentle valleys and slopes.
  • Glaciers step-like slopes. The snow mass is collected at the shadow foot of the mountain and feeds on the avalanches that have come down.
  • Hanging glaciers. Located on steep slopes, as if hanging over it. They are small, but they are dangerous, as they can fall down.
  • Car glaciers. Snow masses in the armchair valleys, with a steep rear wall.
  • Glaciers of volcanic peaks. Occupy the tops of the mountains.
  • Cross glaciers. They have a common beginning - the top of the ridge, but the stakes are in opposite directions from it.
  • Norwegian type. This type of glacier is transitional from mountain to surface. The ice caps of the plateau peaks spread downward. Having reached the edge, separate hearths go down.
  • Valley located in the mountain valleys.

Mountain glaciers of Russia do not remain the same.square. Some are shrinking, others are increasing, there are also those that change their position, moving. What are the largest glaciers in Russia? The list of the 5 largest mountain systems with perennial ice is as follows.


It is the largest mountain storage center.glaciers. On the Russian part of the Caucasus Mountains, i.e. on its northern slope, huge masses are concentrated, with a total area of ​​1,400 sq. km. This is more than 2000 glaciers. Basically they are small in size, up to 1 square. km in diameter. The largest glacier in Russia is the Elbrus mountain complex in Kabardino-Balkaria, with an area of ​​over 120 square meters. km Another large snow peak in the Caucasus is the peak of the extinct Kazbek volcano. It is here that more than 60% of all the ices of the Caucasus are concentrated. A special feature is their alpine character. The Russian part of the snowy peaks of the Greater Caucasus is located on its northern slope, it is smoother and longer, unlike the South. Here, more than 70% of the ice of the Greater Caucasus. The southern slope is steep and steep, on it 30% of the snows of the Caucasus Mountains. The glaciation of this ridge is important for feeding the rivers that originate here. These are tributaries of the Kuban River - Belaya, Zelenchuk, Laba - and the Terek River - Ardon, Urukh, Baksan. The glaciers of the Caucasus Mountains retreat and their area is reduced. Although this decrease is insignificant, the rivers are fed by it. Over the century, the level of the snow line has risen by 70-75 cm. Sometimes there is a short-term onset of ice in some areas.

glaciers of russia


In second place in the list of the largest mountainGlaciers in the country are located snow Altai. Here, in the south of Siberia, about 1500 foci, which occupy an area of ​​more than 900 square meters. km The largest glaciations on the Katunsky, South-Chui and North-Chuisky ranges. Large masses are concentrated on Belukha Mountain, where the great Altai Katun River and its tributaries originate. These places have become the most beloved and popular among climbers in the whole of Altai. Here is the glacier Akkem. Some believe that it has a special energy, and charges it with its visitors. Another snowy peak of Altai is Aktru. The mountain is famous for its colossal temperature difference. In the summer there is intolerable heat, and in winter - severe cold. For this, Aktru is considered a local cold spot. The temperature here drops to minus 62ºС. But even despite such severe climatic conditions, there are many who want to see these glaciers of Russia. Pictures of their landscapes are just fascinating.

mountain glaciers of russia


The modern glaciation of the peninsula hassignificant scale. The snow masses here are larger than in the Caucasus. They consist of about 450, with a total area of ​​over 900 square meters. km Their main focus is on the Sredinny Ridge and the Klyuchevskaya Group. Glaciers of Russia in Kamchatka have an interesting feature. They are attributed to the so-called caldera, because of the method of education. They are formed in the caldera and craters of volcanoes and hills, which are a huge amount on the peninsula. In Kamchatka, the warm season is short, and the snow that falls on the tops of the hills does not have time to melt. Another feature of Kamchatka snow is their low location. Glaciers descend from the summits to a height of 1600 meters. Of great importance in the life of snow have volcanic eruptions. During the eruption, glaciers actively melt and fill rivers with melt water.

the largest glacier in Russia

Koryak Range

It is also called Koryak Highland.Located in the Far East, the Chukotka Autonomous Region and the Kamchatka Territory are captured. The total number of glaciers here is 1330, and their area is more than 250 square meters. km The Koryak Highland consists of short ridges and ridges, which stretch from the north-east to south-west. The glaciers of Russia in the Far East are elongated, up to 4 km long. They are located very low, far below the snow line, at the level of 700-1000 meters. This is due to climatic conditions and the proximity of the cold sea. Another glacier on the territory of Russia - Mount Icy - its highest point is at the level of 2,562 meters.

glacier in Russia

Suntar-Hayat Mountains

These glaciers of Russia are located on the territory of Yakutia.and Khabarovsk Territory. There are 208 of them, with a total area of ​​over 200 sq. Km. The ridge stretches for 450 km, and its highest point, Mount Haya, is almost 3000 meters high. In addition to mountain glaciers, there are about 800 square meters. km of tyrynov So called a large perennial frost, which is formed when the groundwater freezes.

Russian glaciers list
The thickness of such ice is usually about 8 meters. Suntar-Khayat is a watershed of such large Siberian rivers as the Indigirka, Aldan, and the rivers of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk basin.