Military Communism

Military communism in Russia is a special structuresocio-economic relations, which was based on the elimination of the commodity-money system and the concentration of available resources in the power of the Bolsheviks. In the conditions of the growing civil war, the country introduced a food dictatorship, a direct exchange of products between the village and the city. Military communism presupposed the introduction of a "card system", general labor service, the principle of "leveling" in the matter of labor remuneration.

A rather complicated situation developed in the country. The causes of war communism, mainly, consisted in the acute desire of the Bolsheviks to retain power. For this, different methods were used.

First of all, the new government neededarmed protection. Given the difficult situation in early 1918, the Bolsheviks in an extremely short time create an army. It included detachments formed from selected commanders and volunteer soldiers. By mid-year, the government introduces compulsory military service. This decision was mainly connected with the beginning of the intervention and the development of the opposition movement. Trotsky (chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of that time) introduces strict discipline in the armed forces and a system of hostages (when his family answered for the escape of the deserter).

Военный коммунизм разрушал экономику страны.Since the beginning of the revolution, the Bolsheviks have lost control of the richest regions of the country: Western Siberia, the Volga region, the Baltic region, Ukraine. Between town and country, economic relations were interrupted during the war years. Economic disintegration completed numerous strikes and discontent of entrepreneurs.

Under these conditions, the Bolsheviks are taking a number of measures.The nationalization of production and trade began. The state monopoly was established on January 23 in the merchant marine, then on April 22 - in foreign trade. Since mid-1918 (since June 22), the government has launched a program to nationalize enterprises that have a capital of more than 500 thousand rubles. In November, the government declared a state monopoly on all organizations in which the number of workers is five to ten and a mechanical engine is used. By the end of November, a decree was adopted on the nationalization of the domestic market.

Military Communism solved the problemfood supply of the city by the intensification of the class struggle in the countryside. As a result, in 1918, on June 11, "committees" (committees of the poor) began to be created, with the power to seize surplus products from wealthy peasants. This system of measures failed. However, the program of the surplus-fund continued until 1921.

Due to lack of food, I could notmeet the needs of citizens and the card system. In addition, that this system was unfair, it was also confusing. The authorities unsuccessfully tried to fight the "black market".

At the enterprises the discipline has strongly weakened. To strengthen it, the Bolsheviks introduce labor books, subbotniks, a general labor obligation.

In the country, politicaldictatorship. The non-Bolshevik parties gradually began to be destroyed. Thus, the Cadets were declared "enemies of the people", the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries were removed from the bodies in which they represented the majority, the anarchists were arrested and shot.

Lenin said on the eve of October that the Bolsheviks,having taken power, will not miss it. Military communism and the NEP in 1921 led the country to an economic crisis. The Bolsheviks tried to keep power by force, the destruction of independent trade unions, the subordination of government bodies. Undoubtedly, in the political sphere they have achieved a monopoly. However, the country's economy was undermined. From Russia, about 2 million citizens (mostly citizens) emigrated, in the Volga region, in the spring of 1919, a terrible famine started (there was no grain left after confiscation). As a result, on the eve of the Tenth Congress (in 1919, on March 8) workers and sailors of Kronstadt rose up, providing military support for the October Revolution.