/ / How to draw a military plane in stages with a pencil? Step-by-step instruction

How to draw a military aircraft in stages with a pencil? Step-by-step instruction

Какой же увлекательный все-таки процесс — drawing with the child! It is on this example that you can see firsthand how the baby develops, his movements become more accurate, the perception of color and shape grows. Together with him you can try to portray anything! Especially with step-by-step instructions. In this lesson we will explain how to draw a military plane in stages with a pencil.

how to draw a military plane step by step with a pencil

Young artist

В детстве каждый мальчишка увлекается «мужскими» games. This is normal, as he is a future man, which means a potential warrior, defender of the Fatherland. The child with pleasure puts the toy soldiers in the shelves, playing the whole battles between them. Here in the course goes and combat toy equipment. And if your boy is an artist, he with great pleasure portrays both tanks and guns. A drawing of a military aircraft is the most it! You will need only a little help.

What does it consist of?

To make a drawing of a military plane with a pencil, it is necessary, first of all, to imagine its construction. Well, at least in general terms!

Roughly speaking, the plane consists of a body(fuselage), cockpit, wings and tail. These are the main parts. And also, if a fighter, then - rockets, if a bomber, then - bombs as weapons. But these are details. Recall that all parts of the aircraft are geometric shapes. Knowing this, it is easier to draw. So let's get started. How to draw a military plane in stages with a pencil? Here is a step by step instruction.

pencil drawing of military aircraft


Step 1.This type of aircraft is a bit like a passenger. It differs in appearance and from the fighter, and in itself is quite massive. Start drawing body. It resembles an oval, pointed at both ends.

Step 2. We scribble spiky wings. They are quite wide and resemble triangles.

Step 3. We draw the tail: two small wings on the sides, and at the top, at an angle of 90 degrees - the stabilizer.

Step 4. Schematically depict the cabin. In the form of a small oval.

Step 5. Our sketch is almost ready.We continue the lesson on the topic "How to draw a military plane in stages with a pencil." Getting to the detail image. Unnecessary lines remove the eraser. On the sides of the hull draw portholes. Under each wing - on the motor (you can two).

Step 6. Shaded, impose shadows. You can paint our plane in a protective color or camouflage.

Fighter: how to draw a military plane in stages with a pencil

An artist, especially a beginner, will be wellhave a picture (or a toy model) of an aircraft in front of your eyes. This will help to visualize the future drawing, and also much more accurately copy the details. And, thinking about how to draw a military plane to a child, of course, create with him!

drawing military aircraft

Step 1.At the beginning, as usual, let's start with the main parts of the aircraft. Draw a straight line - fairly long. We will hold it horizontally, but with a slight slope. At the very end of the line is a square. This is the future cockpit.

Step 2.On both sides of the main line we outline the inclined, denoting the wings of the aircraft. At the very end, to the side opposite to the cabin, let's outline two more small wings - the rear ones. In the same place we draw and flaps. One tip: look at the model of the aircraft you are interested in and draw as close as possible to the sample!

Step 3.After our sketch is ready, let's proceed to drawing the contours along the stroke and along the auxiliary lines. Sharpen the nose of the aircraft. In the tail part (we draw it last) we need to make the bulges for the turbines.

how to draw a military plane to a child

Шаг 4. Прорисовка деталей.We start with the nose area. We depict the cockpit (erase the auxiliary lines of the square). We draw the wings of our aircraft, adding flaps. In the same way - fuel tanks and turbines, from which the flame flies. Add weapons: missiles under the wings below. After carefully erase all auxiliary lines.

And now our fighter is ready! Now you know how to draw a military plane step by step with a pencil! If there is such a desire, you can make an image in color, paint it with markers or paints.

Summing up

It is known that drawing is one of the mosttypes of creativity available to the child, therefore, as much attention should be paid to the development of his artistic skills. Handles baby from an early age and stretch to the paper and pencils. And if in two or three years it is an original test of the pen, then in seven or eight years there are whole masterpieces where the thoughts of the child, his world outlook are reflected. If your child asks for help, do not just show him a picture with which you can draw, do not just do everything for him (as some parents prefer), but take, for example, two sheets of paper (one for yourself) and complete the drawing together, using an example step by step showing how to do it right! Show him the sequence in which it is necessary to portray the details in order to get the desired result at the end. At first, try to draw with a pencil so that you can correct the wrong line. Good luck to you and your child in the works!