Short life phrases, statuses, quotes - everythingrunning, all in one line. That's how we rush through the vicious circle: where the beginning, and whether there should be an end - is unknown. And what is this life? The question is rhetorical, so the answer is not the only one phrase. Long leisurely thoughts are relevant here - thoughts about life ...
With a minus sign
Как правило, жизнь противопоставляется смерти.She is her sinister shadow. But not everyone thinks so, or rather feels, because to live is not always to act, rather to feel. For example, Isaac Azimov compared the life path with a thin chain of losses. It all starts with the loss of youth, then parents leave, true friends, loved ones, and there you are deprived of a turn and strong health, pleasures. You can, of course, not take this order of things, but he still will not get anywhere from us - it's not invented by us. And here calmness and peace of mind begins to leave us.
But the famous science fiction writer in hisworldview is not alone. Long before his birth, similar thoughts about life were visited by the great French writer Victor Hugo, who also believed that we could not live without the long chain of losses of our beloved people. Under the same "slogan" writes about the being and the Czech writer Josef Shkvoretsky. In his perception, the great gift of God is nothing but a "holey vessel". The living water flows out of it, drop by drop, until the bottom, until there is an empty vessel. It is then put in a coffin, and buried.
With a plus sign
Enough about the sad.There are also optimists among us. Let's hear their life phrases. Let's start with the genius - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, for whom life is nothing more than a continuous movement and movement, which in turn is God. It is impossible not to love God, it means that it is impossible not to love life.
The legendary scientist, the father of the theory of relativity - Albert Einstein, could not help admiring the supreme value - he called life that way. It is sacred, all other values are subordinate to it.
Our contemporary, the French writer BernardVerber - that's the true lover, urging not to listen to talkers about the meaninglessness of existence. Life is Beautiful! And it can not be otherwise! Is it not enough that this product was personally tested and approved by sixty-six billion people for several million years? Is not this proof of its excellent quality?
Unity of Opposites
Everything in the world has two sides of the coin.They are known to be in the eternal struggle, and simultaneously in an amazing unity, which is their essence and meaning. Life is no exception. Life phrases of great people are ready to prove this statement.
For example, William Shakespeare compared the earthly pathman with a cloth consisting of both good and bad threads. Erich-Maria Remarque believed that being is a fine line between love and doom, luxury and ruin, mirth and grief, risk and death. That's why it's fine. What follows from this? It is necessary to live, for life without trials is not life, as the Greek philosopher Socrates said.
About life and love
Then what is the meaning, what is the ultimate goal of thismortal terrestrial existence? And there are many answers to this question. However, most of them are reduced to one - wandering around the world without love, of course, you can if you are satisfied with an aimless lonely wanderings, and not an enthralling romantic journey around the world. Definitely, not without risky adventures, but ... Here it is better to give the word to the Great of this world. Their life phrases are much wiser.
For example, they can not help touching Maxim's wordsGorky, who was sure that without love life turns into a gray existence. There are many different organs in the human body. Everyone fulfills his vital function. The soul is given to us as a gift only in order to love.
Не менее интересны и философские рассуждения Ошо.The meaning of our stay on earth, he sees only in the possibility of love, otherwise the person is dead. He lives dead and leaves this world dead. In this state, he only passes through different stages of death. If we experience love from birth, then with the course of our life, the fullness of it and the mystery is increasingly revealed to us. The peak is the desire to connect with the whole. This is the main meaning.
In other words, going on a long voyage, weset the course - love, raise the anchor, and, finally, start the engine ... What should it be so that it does not break down, not lead us halfway? Only eternal. And this is only the soul. I think that life phrases will help in this matter.
Русский писатель Иван Бунин говорил, что жизнь we filled our own with an endless number of unnecessary affairs, of some creeds, of scientific hypotheses about the world, of the happiness of the individual. Then, tearing off each other's shreds with tatters, they shed a lot of blood. Paradox. But in reality, the earthly path must consist only in suppressing personal, selfish desires and fulfilling one - the law of love. And it is possible to fulfill it only in the life of the spirit, and not of the body. But the fruit of the spirit is faith, mercy, joy, temperance, humility.
Life phrases with meaning ... They can not be counted,their countless number, like the stars in the sky. And to say that this star is the brightest, the most beautiful, just impossible, and stupid. They can not be compared. Everyone has his own wisdom. They are all countless facets of one brilliant - truth. And the more of them, the dazzling its radiance.
But in conclusion, the words of MotherTeresa: "Life is a chance, take advantage of it. This is a dream, realize it. It's a commitment, fulfill it. This is a great value, appreciate it. This is love, enjoy it. This is the chain of troubles, tear it up. This is a struggle, start it. This is luck, look for it. Life is so beautiful, do not lose it! This is beauty, admire it. It's a challenge, take it. This is the game, become a player. This is treasure, take care of it. This is a mystery, know it. This is the song, dope it. This is the bottomlessness of the unknown: enter it! It's your life - keep it! "There is nothing to add to them.