Как хорошо, когда у вас есть добрая, хорошая godmother, to which you can come with her grief and joy. How important it is to feel support in a difficult moment or to share the happy moments of your life with the person who baptized you. Remember how much she helped you with good advice and her attention. We are sure that you do not forget to congratulate your godfather on holidays and significant events. Know that this can be done in a variety of ways.
For example, you can send SMS greetings on a birthday godmother, with the following content:
- The most expensive godmother
My dear godmother!I am grateful to God for being with me. Let there be more bright, bright days in life, and failures bypass you. Cheerful stay for many years and be happy!
- My extraordinary godmother
Let this wonderful birthday allthe flowers of the world will be at your feet. I am happy that I have a kind smile, love and understanding of my godmother in my life. Be healthy and happy, and may children's laughter be heard in your house!
Happy birthday greetings may sound like this:
- My second mom
My sweet godmother!On this day, I want to wish you as much kindness and love as you gave me, your godchild. You showed me how to love your loved ones. I wish you health, and the rest will come to you. Let your eyes shine with joy, and love continues to live in your heart.
- Happy Birthday!
My birthday greetings - this isthe most sincere wishes for my second mom. I wish you to continue to be always as beautiful and young, cheerful and energetic, tender and charming. Let life storms bypass your home side, and good luck will live forever in it. Happiness to you, my second mother!
We offer to your attention other greetings for the birthday of the cross:
- Most beloved godmother
Dear godmother!You helped me overcome the hardships of life. You have revealed to me the secrets of family happiness, you have been with me in the most difficult moments of my destiny. I want to wish you love and health so that you will be happy for many, many years.
- My godmother
My sweet godmother!I will never forget your hands, which always supported me in difficult moments. Let me say the most cherished words. You always led me through life with wide eyes, helped not only with good advice, but also with deeds, taught me to enjoy life and always understood. I wish you all the best, and most importantly health. My dear, be happy!
Happy birthday greetings for the godmother should be very correct and positive. Try very carefully to treat her feelings and age. Be tactful.
The birthday greetings of the godmother that teenagers prepare can be presented in one of the following options:
- My godmother mommy
On your birthday, my dear second mom, II want to wish you fulfillment of desires and health, of course. You are always with me, and even when I become an adult, I will never forget you, your kind smile and tense hands. Let success be with you all. Thank you for being with me!
- From a loving godson
Although we are not blood relatives, you, mygodmother, made it so that I felt next to a native person, whom I could call his second mother. On my birthday, I want to wish you health and prosperity, a peaceful sky and a warm home, pep and good mood not only on festive days. In my soul, the love and kindness that you gave me will remain forever.
Happy birthday greetings for the godmother will always be appreciated by your second mother and will make her holiday even more beautiful and bright.