The international organizations of the world are associations of non-state and interstate nature, which are created on the basis of agreements in order to achieve certain goals. They are:
1. Interstate. In this case, the state or state institutions join the union. Such associations operate on the basis of a signed agreement.
2Non-governmental or non-governmental is a union of individuals or legal entities from different countries. It is based on common interests, goals in political, civil, economic and civil spheres.
Not every country’s legislation permits the creation of international organizations of the world or restricts their activities to one degree or another. The scope of their activities is determined by the Charter.
Currently there is no specialprocedures for granting any kind of people's associations. This is in accordance with the provisions of the statute. There are some criteria specific to non-governmental associations:
the goals must be to solve problems of world importance;
activities related to the achievement of the above objectives;
participants must be from at least two different countries;
State of registration can be selected only by the original founders.
Among other things, inter-ethnic public organizations and their representatives may be present as observers or consultants at intergovernmental associations.
Classification of international organizations:
1. around the circle of participants:
universal. Anyone can participate. Example: UN;
regional. Representatives of one region participate. Example: Organization of American States;
2. by the nature of authority:
supranational - partially restrict sovereignty. The states entering into their structure transfer to them a part of the powers;
interstate - do not limit sovereignty.
3. by function:
4. in order to receive new members:
open (any state has the opportunity to become a member);
closed (entry is carried out only with the consent of the original founders).
5. by field of activity:
general (un);
special (economic, political, credit and financial).
International organizations of the world already existdecades. Their activity extends to all spheres of human life and directly affects them. Each country is a member of at least one of these world structures.
The role of international organizations can be seen on the example of the UN. Its impact on the relations of countries is weighty, multifaceted and is determined by the following factors:
one.The charter is a foundation for modern legislation, the rights and freedoms of citizens around the world. It is a recognized code of conduct for all states. On it also compares inter-ethnic agreements and treaties.
2. The UN has the unique right to resolve issues of war and peace both peacefully and through the armed forces.
3. At its base, discussions are organized at the level of governments and heads of state on the problems of developing relations among numerous nations.
4. Under the auspices of the UN, there are numerous international organizations of the world that regulate the relations of countries within their competence.
5. It occupies a special place among other similar organizations. On her initiative, hundreds of treaties and conventions were concluded between different countries.
6. UN principles of work reflect a real picture of modern society. In connection with this, work is constantly being carried out to reform and optimize its activities.