/ Willow and willow. How to distinguish willow from willow?

Willow and willow. How to distinguish a willow from a willow?

What is different from willow willow?Rarely did anyone think about this question, since it seemed to everyone that these were just two names for the same plant. However, it is worth knowing more about this than you know.

Willow family

Each is beautiful in its own way and with something similar to willow and willow. The difference between them is still there.

Willow is a deciduous plant (shrub or tree). Its species differ from each other mainly in external signs. In general, in the world there are about 600 species of plants of this genus.

How to distinguish willow from willow
The whole family of willow in Russia has more than 120 species: black-nosed, weeping willow, rakita, belotal, molokita, willow, sheluga, goat willow and many others.

This plant has an unimaginable desire for life: any process, twig or stump stuck into the ground, quickly covered with numerous young shoots.

And how to distinguish willow from willow? Speaking of these two plants, many believe that we are talking about one plant, but it is not. They belong to the same genus (family) - willow. They have differences.

Some species of plants from the willow genus are called willow. For example: holly willow, goat willow, willow willow, etc.

Signs associated with willow. What do people believe in?

Many hopes people have associated and associated with willow:

- Against the wind, an abandoned branch will help to calm the storm, and thrown into the flames of the fire will calm the fire.

- Willow branches attached to the gate, drive away all evil spirits.

- With the help of a willow branch, you can even find a treasure.

- Previously, the cattle was driven out to the very first pasture with the help of willow.

What is different from willow willow

Ancient and other beliefs

  1. The ancient Slavs called the willow a perun vine.
  2. Children used to bathe for health in the broth of willow twigs.
  3. This ancient Slavic rite is a wedding ceremony around a willow.
  4. Lithuanian peasant women prayed for willow in the old days so that she would help them - to give a child.
  5. Also in ancient times it was believed that willow helps in eloquence. In this regard, it was called the tree of poets and singers.
  6. In China, willow is a symbol of spring and feminine beauty, suppleness and softness.
  7. And the Jews in ancient times called willow a symbol of unhappiness, sadness, sadness, death, burial (it was a weeping willow).
  8. In Japan, this plant also carries sorrow and weakness. However, it carries tenderness, grace, and calm, and constancy.

Norway willow, willow
Willow (blushing) - Sunday tree verbal.This is a Christian spring festival dedicated to the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. The Jews greeted him with vayami - branches of the Jerusalem willow - or branches of the date palm.

What is different from willow willow?

In the spring, when the trees are justbuds appear, there is not a single leaflet yet, the willow is the first to respond to the spring rays of the sun. She pleases everyone with her tender, surprisingly soft and fluffy buds of white color. A willow begins to bloom along with the rest of the plants. And unlike willow, it has small yellowish-green buds.

They differ in the color of their bark. In willow, it is reddish-brown, and in willow it is grayish-green.

How to distinguish a willow from a willow in other ways? In willow, thin and flexible twigs are covered with elongated sharp leaves. And willow stiff and thick branches have wide and semi-circular leaves.

Their habitats are also excellent. A willow can grow almost everywhere, and a willow - mainly near lakes, rivers, marshes, ditches, i.e. where there is water.

Types and varieties of willow

We continue to talk about how to distinguish the willowfrom willow. Willows have a piercing, transparent crown, with flexible, thin and delicate branches, which bloom narrow, pointed, elongated leaves. Mostly these plants are up to 15 m high, but they can be higher - up to 40 m. There are also dwarf, small willows.

Some varieties of willows:

1. Willow fragile - tree up to 15 meters high and 8 meters wide. Sometimes it has a slightly curved shape and even with two trunks. It grows in areas from Europe to Asia.

2. Goat willow is a rather large shrub or tree up to 12 m high and up to 6 m wide with a short trunk and a round crown. It grows mainly in Central Asia and in Europe.

3. Willow purple - a large 10-meter tree. In nature, it grows in Central Asia and in central Europe.

4. Willow creeping. The inflorescences of this charming willow have pink, silver and fluffy (woolly) scales. It can be grown in the garden, and in a container or in a container - on the balcony.

five.White willow is a large tree up to 25 meters high and up to 15 meters wide. Occurs throughout Europe. This plant has not only an unusually beautiful crown, but also the original coloring of the shoots: in summer it is brown-red, in spring - bright yellow.

6Willow of Babylon - a miraculous weeping form tree. One of the most beautiful decorations of gardens and parks in the south of Russia. This willow comes from northern and central China. Height - no more than 15 meters, width - 9 meters.

Norway willow - willow

This willow, like several other willow species(named above), and is called willow. Norway willow - shrub or tree up to 8 meters high with an oval-shaped crown. Willow shoots are gentle and flexible, purple-reddish color with a pleasant bluish bloom.

Willow and willow, the difference
Its leaves are linear-lanceolate, long and pointed. They are shiny, green at the top, gray at the bottom.

This type of plant is one of the most unpretentious to any growing conditions. Propagated by cuttings and even rods.

The answer to the question of how to distinguish willow from willow is given. But this plant not only looks great in nature, but also useful.

From willow branches it is convenient to weave beautifulbaskets, furniture, mats, various decorations for home and garden design. Willows used to make hoops for barrels and those most magnificent arcs for horses, on which silver bells were ringing beautifully ...