What does the word "embarrassed" mean?In what situations do people usually feel uncomfortable? Why do they feel this feeling, and what role does this emotion play in a person's life? Let's try to understand these questions.
Confusion is what it means
Probably everyone in life ever felt this feeling.
Why do we need to feel this feeling
Embarrassment refers to unpleasant emotions.Of course, if we are talking about praise, then everyone is pleased to receive it. However, public praise can make you feel as if you were being flaunted. A person rarely feels comfortable in such conditions, if he does not belong to public people. If embarrassment is caused by some embarrassment, then it is perceived extremely painful.
However, this emotion is not only negativeaffects the person. It has a certain usefulness. If a person succeeds in embarrassment, it means that he has some moral values and conscience, because it happens that some people do not care what impression they make on others. Embarrassment allows a person not to repeat his mistakes later on in order to avoid this awkward feeling. And to people who know how to be embarrassed, usually the attitude is more benevolent and positive. As a rule, they are forgiven more, because they see that the person is already embarrassed by the situation.
Thus, this emotion is very important in human life. Despite the fact that it is painful - it brings certain benefits.