/ How to respond to a compliment?

How to respond to a compliment?

How often do you praise? And what is your reaction?It happens that a person does not know how to behave in such situations, how to respond to a compliment. Not everyone can calmly and adequately accept them. And often it turns out that we do not get pleasure from praise or pleasant words addressed to us, and the interlocutor is also upset.

how to respond to a compliment

Compliments can be obtained from colleagues at work,and from friends, and even from strangers. When communicating, you should always answer them. The only exceptions are cases where a person is unpleasant to you and you do not want to communicate with him at all. In such a situation, it is permissible to ignore what was heard.

How to respond to a compliment to a person?

There are several reasons that interfere with adequately responding to and receiving pleasure from praise:

1. A person thinks that they are trying to manipulate this way.

2. He is not at all interested in the opinion of the one who made the compliment.

3. A person thinks that this will bind him by some kind of obligations.

4. He believes that he did not deserve praise.

5. Finally, a person simply does not like to be in the spotlight.

the most beautiful compliments

If you react wrongly to praise, thenits time will be much less. Therefore it is important to know how to respond to a compliment in a particular situation. You do not have to invent anything. The usual word "thank you" and a smile will be enough. You can say pleasant words in response. In no case do not justify yourself and do not go into details. It is absolutely not necessary to tell the interlocutor that you bought such a beautiful dress on sale or paint all the difficulties of its acquisition. These are extra details. But the phrase "nothing special", "not so me and goes", "I do not think so" talk about your low self-esteem, it does not allow you to enjoy and full of joy from praise.

It is very important to know not only how to respond toa compliment, but also how to speak it. From the skills of glorification depends very much, for example, whether your meeting will be held again. Shy people do not utter compliments at all, ladies' ladies shower them all women in a row (without sincerity). Neither option is suitable. A truly sincere beautiful compliment is not an exaggeration, but a person's conviction.

Even the most pleasant can become unpleasant ifoverdo. Therefore, here, too, a measure is important, as well as tactfulness and respect, because you should consider that you can embarrass a person with your frivolous inappropriate phrases.

beautiful compliment

According to statistics, almost all womenappreciate compliments to their ability to look irreproachable and combine household chores and work, as well as remain surprisingly attractive and young. According to the ladies, the loss of speech from their beauty is the best compliment. But the most beautiful compliments with an intimate hint are not all pleasant. Many women consider them self-serving.

We all have a need for gentle words, they help to feel attention and interest in ourselves, they support our confidence.

Make a truly beautiful, delicious, delicate and elegant compliment - this is real art. But the most important thing is to say pleasant words from the heart, and about what - it's not so important!