/ / Ecology of the Krasnodar Territory: problems

Ecology of the Krasnodar Territory: problems

The Krasnodar Territory is universally recognizedthe leader among Russian resorts. Here there are a lot of beautiful health resorts, boarding houses, hotels, there are healing springs from the ground, and the air is filled with the scents of the sea and evergreens. It is logical to assume that the ecology of the Krasnodar Territory should be one of the best in the country. However, the conducted studies and test measurements revealed a not quite favorable picture. It turned out that in many regions and cities of the region there were several times exceeded the MPC norms for hazardous chemicals, the fertility of soils was reduced, water bodies were blocked, valuable species of plants and animals disappeared, acid rains fell out. Who is to blame for this and what actions are taken by the Ministry of Ecology of the Krasnodar Territory to save a unique ecosystem, our article answers.

ecology of the Krasnodar Territory

Motor transport

The brainchild of technological progress is a car,unquestionably, is the greatest good. But under certain conditions, when it comes to environmental pollution, it becomes the greatest evil. Krasnodar Territory in Russia occupies one of the leading places in the number of vehicles that the population owns.

Statistics say that there is one caraccounted for two people or 437 cars per 1000 inhabitants. For comparison, the same figure in Moscow is only 417 cars per 1,000 Muscovites. The ecology of the Krasnodar Territory suffers from so many machines. In addition, four highways of the European level and three federal roads pass through the territory of the region. In the high season on them an endless turn to the sea are moving in their cars vacationers. Exhaust gases released into the atmosphere by road transport increase the content of hydrocarbons, CO2, CO, nitrogen oxides, hazardous to human health.

Especially high concentrations are observednear the transport highways. Here the indicators exceeded the MPC in 1.5 and even 7 times. According to economic services, in the Krasnodar Territory about 70% of gasoline is sold by private commercial companies, which are little worried about the quality of the goods. As a result, since 2010, in Krasnodar air, 19% more formaldehyde (negatively affects vision, lungs, reproductive organs, central nervous system, genetic material), 14% more benzpyrene (carcinogen, has a hazard class 1), 22% more phenol (toxic to all living things).

Ministry of Ecology of Krasnodar Region


The ecology of the Krasnodar Territory is deteriorating thanks toirrational use of farmland, the use of pesticides and herbicides, violation of the rules for the use of agricultural machinery. As a result, the soils are compacted, their water permeability deteriorates, which leads to the flushing of 50% of the chemicals used by the agro-industrial branch into natural reservoirs.

Particularly affected by the Krasnodar region fromintroduced here rysseyanya. Cultivation of this grain culture was widely developed in the Slavic, Krasnoarmeisk, Kalinin, Temryuk and Crimean regions. The technology of rice cultivation involves the use of a large number of pesticides, which not only poisoned the sown land, but also significantly worsened the living conditions of the population.

problems of ecology in the Krasnodar Territory


As in other Russian regions, ecologyKrasnodar Territory deteriorates significantly through the fault of industrial enterprises, whose managers do not bother to install modern efficient treatment facilities. In the Krasnodar Territory there are many machine building, metalworking, chemical plants, but most of this region is famous for oil production. There are about 150 large, medium and small oil fields. The pollution of the environment with oil products and their waste takes a catastrophic scale. The commission found that in the cities of Eisk, Tikhoretsk, Tuapse, Kushchevskaya station (where there are oil depots and oil refineries) huge underground oil lenses were formed.

ecology of natural resources of the Krasnodar Territory

Industrial wastewater

Many enterprises and utilitiestons of untreated sewage are discharged into reservoirs, which significantly worsens the ecology of the natural resources of the Krasnodar Territory. According to the commission, the annual discharges of liquid waste into the limans of the Krai and the Sea of ​​Azov reach 3 billion m3!! The figures are truly frightening.In addition, the sea discharges oil products. Thus, when a Bulgarian ship crashed in the port of Tuapse, 200 tons of fuel oil fell into the sea, and when the Novorossiysk port crashed, our vessel poured tons of oil into the sea.

Animal and plant life

Environmental problems in theKrasnodar Territory and the state of the biota that has been formed here for centuries. The housing construction, which has been developing in the region in scale, the construction of new hotel complexes, the expansion of agricultural production, leads to the reduction of steppe and forest lands, unreasonable economic activities cause the water bodies to be quenched and dried, and this in turn leads to the disappearance of many species of plants, fish, other representatives fauna. Also to the catastrophic decline of fish in the Krasnodar Territory are the pollution of rivers and the uncontrolled activity of fishing companies.

Krasnodar Krai climate and ecology

Rating of Krasnodar Krai cities in ecology

Russia regularly monitorsecological situation in the regions. Krasnodar region, according to measurements of the content of harmful substances in the environment, is not the most polluted, but not the most environmentally friendly. So, in the rating of the organization "Green Patrol" for 2011 out of 83 checked areas, it took 48th place. Rosstat compiled a list of the 60 most environmentally unfriendly Russian cities. Krasnodar in it took 42nd place, Novorossiysk 45th, and Achinsk 53rd. Unfavorable ecology also in Tikhoretsk, Yeisk, Tuapse, Armavir, Belorechensk, Kropotkin and Anapa.

Measures taken

According to the law adopted in 2010The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krai regularly monitors the state of the environment so that the Krasnodar Territory is much cleaner. The climate and ecology here should provide the most favorable conditions for life, and the local population, and numerous tourists.

rating of the cities of Krasnodar Region in ecology

To improve the current situation in many citiesStationary control posts have been installed that check air, soil and water for the presence of harmful substances. Also, strict control of the radiation background is under way, which is still within the norm. In Krasnodar, such posts are 4, in Novorossiysk - 3, in Sochi - 2, in Belorechensk, Tuapse and Armavir - 1. To stop pollution of the environment with petroleum products, the oil and oil refineries are certified. A lot of work is done by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service and the Land Resources Committee.

In the Ministry of Ecology in Krasnodar Krainew legal documents regulating the protection of the environment are being created. On the initiative of the Ministry's services, environmental contests, subbotniks and conferences are held, seminars are held that teach the population the issues of ecology, because the preservation of the beauty of the region depends on each of its residents.