/ / Nevezhinskaya rowanberry - a randomly discovered miracle tree

Nevezhinskaya rowan - a randomly discovered miracle tree

Nezha Rowan

Nevezhinskaya mountain ash - a tree related tofamily of Rosaceae. It grows everywhere. It is a variety of common mountain ash, but it is distinguished by sweet fruits without characteristic bitterness. The adjective in the title is not accidental. The first tree with delicious berries was discovered by a shepherd in a forest located near the village of Nevezhino. He dug it out and transplanted it around his house.

Leaves complex, odd-pinnate, with denticlesedges. The flowers are white, unattractive, small, with a pleasant aroma in the corymbose inflorescences. The fruits are medium-sized false stems. Their color is bright orange. Blossoming for a week before the apple trees is mountain ash. The photo shows it in different periods of the year. Flowers are not afraid of frost to -2.5 ° C. Fruiting starts from the middle of September.

The tree is unpretentious, frost-hardy and hardy.The roots are able to withstand soil freezing by 40 cm to -14 ° C. Harvest yields good from year to year, especially with good care. For example, with a 35-year-old tree, it is possible to collect up to 100 kg of berries.

Ryabin nezhinskaya demanding of lighting and completely unprincipled in relation to heat. When there is a lack of sunlight (if thickened

Row of Nezhinskaya photos
planting), branches in the crown die.Brushes of berries in this case can be formed only on the periphery of the crown. If the tree is illuminated enough, then the pyramid at a young age will transform the crown into a round one, capable of forming a large crop over the years. This should not be forgotten when planting.

Nevezhinskaya mountain ash can grow on any soil, butMedium loams are preferable. The optimal time for planting is spring, before the buds swell, or fall, a month before frosts. On many sites these trees are planted on the edges, then they protect other plantings from the weather.

Nevezhinskaya mountain ash has a superficial rootsystem, so the treatment of the near-trunk circle should be done carefully. Optimal care is to dig a trench 0.5 m deep around the perimeter of the crown and insert 4 buckets of manure, humus or compost. The remaining space must be filled with soil. Every 2 years, it is desirable to repeat this procedure.

Ryabin Nezhinskaya begins to bear fruit earlierother trees - for the 4th year. Delaying collection of berries is undesirable, since flocks of starlings and thrushes, making a flight, will necessarily stop to eat, and they will have enough minutes to "ease your work."

If the berries are supposed to be used immediately, thencollect them wiser without leaves. If it is necessary to preserve, then the brushes should be collected with leaves, laid with a layer 15 cm thick and placed at a temperature of the order of 0 ° C.

Fruits contain sugars (10%), malic acid (2%), tannins, pectins, a lot of vitamin C and carotene. By the content of vitamins, they can be compared with a black currant or lemon.

Nevezhinskaya mountain ash is an excellent source of phytoncids.Plants planted next to it are practically not affected by fungal diseases, in particular phytophthora. And how beautiful it is blooming and fruitful! Plant this wonderful tree near your house, the benefit will be for the body, and for the soul.